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So, this is how it all ends huh?

Lying here alone upon a pile of soul sand as I feel as my health slowly withers away.
Typical really... why did I ever think this was a good idea? I should've just listened to Markus and stayed home. Nether raids themselves take plenty of gear and teams of people! I was too focused on impressing everyone to have any kind of common sense! Where did that get me now? Being overrun by mobs and slowly dying alone on a pile of corrupted sand.

It's just, not fair.

I can say that can't I? I can confess everything now. I have no potions or spare food with me, they're really going to be mad that i took all the spare bread and went ahead and died with it. That's what's going to be on my tombstone, I can see it now.

Here lies Brian - Minecraftia's biggest idiot, bread stealing champion.

An honor really, to be dying with such a title. But it needs more... pizzazz. I should've done something extra, something that would've given me the fame and funeral i deserve. I always thought i'd go out in a heroic way, saving the village from certain doom. Stopping the mobs, saving the day.

Instead I'm here dying alone on a journey nobody even knows about right now, trying to be a nice errand boy. And to think, I had such a good morning today. Woke up, smelled the flowers, everything! If i'm dying here and rambling to myself, I may as well start at the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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