Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Oh boy this should be interesting.


I have no words. Us three ran out, waving to the crowd before sitting down in the provided chairs. I feel like all of this is crazy.


"So, welcome to the show boys. How are you doing?" A lady, I think her name is Megan asked.

"Fine." We all answer.

"You guys ready for some questions?" She asked.

"Um, yeah. I think. Sure." Was the jumbled answer.

"How old are you guys?"

"Well I'm 16," I say.

"I'm 16," Taylor says.

"I'm 17." Cam says.

"Do any of you have jobs?"

"Yes actually. We quit our old one and we were hired for one yesterday, but I don't think we're allowed to say anything about it yet. It'll be awhile for any news. Sorry." I say.

The whole crowd booed and we all laughed.

"Awww come on. Nothing?"

"I can't say anything other then it includes all three of us." I reply before I smirk and shut my mouth.

"So the fans haven't seen what your house looks like, but from your vines, it appears to be quite big. Is this true?"


"So Jack, we heard you were a singer. From your 6 second song vines. Could you sing something for us?"

"Um, I wasn't really expecting to sing anything yet, but I could sing something I'm sure."

As soon as I say this, the crowd when crazy. I stood up and walked to the front where they handed me a microphone and I tightened my grip on it in fear.

"Um, I'll sing a song that means a lot to me at the moment. It's called Nightingale and it means so much to me. It's very relatable. It's by Demi Lovato also, she's my role model and I love her to death so yeah. Let's do this."

'I can't sleep tonight, Wide awake and so confused.

Everything's in line, but I'm bruised.

I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home.

I kinda need a hero, is it you?

I'll never see the forest fall, the trees, I could really use your melody.

Baby I'm a little blind, I think it's time, for you to find me.

Can you be my nightingale!?

Sing to me, I know your there.

You could be, my sanity, but we need peace, for me to sleep.

Say you'll be my Nightingale?

Somebody speak to me, cause I'm feeling like hell.

Need you to answer me, I'm overwhelmed.

I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home.

I need a star to follow, I don't know.

I'll never see the forest fall, the trees, I could really use your melody.

Baby I'm a little blind, I think it's time for you to find me!

Can you be my Nightingale?

Sing to me, I know your there.

You could be, my sanity, but bring me peace, for me to sleep.

Say you'll be my Nightingale!

I don't know what I'd do without you, your voice is like a whisper, come through!

As long as your with me here tonight, I'm good.

Can you be... My Nightingale? Feels so close, I know your there!

Oh~oh~oh Nightingale. Sing to me, I know your there!

Cause baby your my sanity, you bring me peace for me to sleep.

Say you'll be my Nightingale. Oh. Ohhhhh. Oh.'

I finish, the crowd stands up and starts clapping really hard. I blush, hand the mic back to the dude and sit back down.

"Wow! You are amazing!" She said.

"Well that's all the time we have for now. Sorry, but bye!" She said.

I get up along with the other three and we shake her hand. We walk off stage and start screaming of happiness. I take my phone out, silently blowing up. How nice.

We met up with the guys and they all congratulated is on becoming famous overnight and being on national TV.

We walk out into the parking lot to drive home, but that's kind of hard when there are over a thousand people blinking back at you and screaming and Fangirling over you.

We all start laughing and working our way through the crowd, finally reachinh our car after about 15 minutes even though we parked 15 meters from the building. Wow.

I start the car and Taylor is pushing people away from the back so I don't run any of them over, damn this crowd is dangerous.

I finally get to the road and I drive in the opposite direction of our house so they can't see where I live. They crazy thing is, like half the crowd was able to keep up. Stupid track teams.

I have to go back to my house sometime, but they don't appear to be slowing down any. It's like a wild goose chase, actually, people keep joining the chase instead of falling behind.

This should really be fun.


Sup Sexies!

I can't talk. Vampire diaries. Yeah. Bye.

Love y'all! BAI!!! ~ 8:01PM ~ Nessa

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