1(short chapter)

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I always wonder how is it after death.

I know this sounds somewhat philosophic or depressive but I'm simply wondering. This topic can make my brain imagine and navigate in a wave of an unknown knowledge that half of the people accept or wish and another half fight against, some because are afraid of what is beyond death, other because they refuse to accept that they are human and one day their life cycle will finish.

But unfortunately, I can't stay in my thoughts ...

"Miss Pristine, can you please answer my question ?" the new guard said.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I answered him 

"For the third time, what were you doing at the top of that building ?"

"Oh, that...!" I exclaim, I thought that we had already changed the topic"I was just wandering around the city and I get lost." the men in front of me sigh as the voice gets out of my lips in a matter of fact tone.

"How you get lost and end up on the top of a building? And it isn't a normal building! It is one of the most known and secure hotels in our city !"

"I don't know, I was just walking!"

"GABRIELA PRISTINEEE!!" the moment that voice reaches my ears I knew that I was in deep trouble, like in really big and deep trouble.

"Hello Dario, how is your day?" slipping the sweetest voice, I had ever used, out of my lips, maybe this will calm him down. "Don't 'Hello Dario' me! Do you know how worried I was when the police call me to tell that you were arrest again!". Or maybe not. Mental note to tell the police 'Don't call Dario?'...humm...check.

After what seems like hours, are out of the blue and white walls.

"Dario is going to rain," I said in a melancholy voice"rain is good."

"No, it won't, the sky is clear and the news said it will be clear tonight."

"Dario is going to rain."

"NO, IT... won't..." before he ends his sentence, little drops fall from a sky, which has all the vibe of someone who is going through a hard time or will have a hard time.

"Dario I said it will be raining," I said has the drops fall on my face so perfectly and unbothered by the problems of the world.

 A/N: so this my very first chapter, please if it has any grammar error tell me 

and thank you for reading this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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