fourteenth punishment

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"He doesn't love you.."

"You're nothing but a toy he plays with whenever he's bored.."

"Why would he love you? You're nothing."

"Shut up.."

"Face it, Chanhee.You're nothing to him."

"Why do you think he ignored you for the past few months? Because he didn't want to hurt you or because he was tired?"

"Shut up!"

"Face it.He's something you can't have.He doesn't care about you."

"Shut up!!!"

Chanhee woke up drenched in sweat and trembling violently.He took in sharp breaths, trying to calm down from his nightmare but those words still lingered in his head, making it impossible to think straight.

Hearing the boy's scream, Rowoon's rushed and heavy footsteps could be heard from the hallway.

He busted inside the room and hurried over to Chanhee's side, pulling him into his arms as the younger started sobbing against his will.

"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Rowoon's soothing voice caused Chanhee's heartbeat to go back to normal.

Rowoon stroked Chanhee's hair and held him close, hoping to make him feel better.

Chanhee exhaled softly and nodded, tightening his hold around Rowoon.

"I see..Do you want to talk about it?" Rowoon questioned, the sweetness in his low voice still present.

Chanhee hesitated for a little while, not sure if he was ready to speak about what he heard in his nightmare.

He decided to speak up in the end, wanting Rowoon to reassure him so that he could forget about it.

"I heard my voice saying bad things.." he trailed off.

The taller frowned and gently ran his large hand through the boy's damp hair.

"What bad things?"

" "He doesn't love you..You're nothing to him..You're just a toy he plays with whenever he's bored..He doesn't care about you.." "

Rowoon's jaw clenched. "Who is he ?"

Truth be told, he already knew but he hoped it was someone else.

Chanhee looked up, eyes empty of any emotion and placed his hand on Rowoon's cheek.


Rowoon casted his eyes downwards and sighed softly upon hearing Chanhee.

"Nothing can make me hate you.My feelings for you are stronger than you think.You're the most precious person in my life and I would never leave you.I love you, Kang Chanhee so don't pay attention to what your nightmares say."

Chanhee nodded and leaned his forehead against Rowoon's, grasping his hand and giving it a light squeeze.

Rowoon smiled softly and inched closer so he could capture the boy's lips in a slow kiss.Chanhee gently shut his eyes and stroked the older's soft hair as he kissed back, pouring all his emotions into the kiss.

Rowoon's hands went to Chanhee's waist, carefully sneaking them under his shirt and touching the smooth skin, causing the younger to let out an airy chuckle in between their lips.

"It tickles, Woon.." Chanhee smiled and leaned his head back so that Rowoon could have better access to his pale neck.

"I love you.." Rowoon hummed lowly and left slow and gentle kisses all over his neck while his hands continued stroking his waist.

Chanhee sighed and closed his eyes, appreciating the soft touches.He sneaked his hands under Rowoon's shirt as well and tickled his lean back, causing the older to let out a deep chuckle in the crook of his neck.

"This..makes me drowsy.." Chanhee mumbled as Rowoon's lips kept touching his neck, sending chills down his spine.

Rowoon leaned his forehead against Chanhee's and stared affectionately into his beautiful eyes.

"Go to sleep, love.."

"Sing for me, please.." Chanhee pulled the older into his arms and cuddled into his chest.

Rowoon smiled faintly and played with the boy's hair as his calm, soothing voice invaded the room.

"I saw the goodbye welled up in your pretty eyes, so I'm turning my head away.You don't say goodbye my love..Never say goodbye my love.."

Chanhee carefully listened to his lover's beautiful voice as their hearts morphed into one.He held him tighter and sleep gradually took over him.

Rowoon watched over him for a while, until he fell asleep as well.

Chanhee was not afraid of having another nightmare with Rowoon by his side.

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