Part 3

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One blade. Two blade. More appeared in front of me, reborn into the world. Tones of dark green, varied here and there depending on the moonlight. My view was murky and I couldn't think straight. I could only focus on what was before me. The grass blades were moving, or rather I was. It didn't matter anyway, I felt so tired I wanted to sleep.

My mind suddenly was so drawn to the idea of a sweet rest. Tucked in two blankets in my bed. Or somewhere else, perhaps - my nice armchair after having my fix of a late-night romance movie that played on T.V.. Then I thought about the fabulous sensation of feeling the heat buzzing around in the space between the mattress and the sheet. I could never get enough of it. Even the 7 a.m. sunlight, wandering through the cracks in my blinds, could never stir me away from it. Nor the relentless alarm, or my neighbour's labrador, barking at the next house down who was simply mowing their lawn.

I couldn't think of where I actually was, though. I tried to recollect the past 48 hours worth of events to ease my mind. Maybe it was fine. I was probably trapped in the state between being asleep and properly awake where I would be lying awake with my eyes closed, but still starting to dream.

My head felt terrible. I forced my eyes open with all my might. Firing neurons back and forth from my brain like they were turrets.

Open, it's simple, I commanded my eyes. Finally, a flash of light. A picture of the world was painted back into my sight.

I blinked numerous times, forcing the tired sting away until I was fully awake. I stared at a blank, yellow wall. I blinked again, but for longer this time. Still, that hideous shade of yellow, that was only alive in my memories from  two decades ago, stood in front of me. I glanced down and saw my feet swimming in blue-ish grey carpet. I laughed in my head. Who in the hell decorated this room?

"Ah, so glad you're awake~" A familiar voice said from behind me. "I worried something wrong happened."

"Wha... What?" I slurred.

"Try not to talk Richie, your head is still hurt." She said in a slight baby-voice.

I tried moving my arms to say something, but was restricted. As were my legs at the knee and finally my ankles. "What-" I was tied down in a flat, uncomfortable wooden chair, looking like it was borrowed from fifty years ago. "What the hell? Where am I!?" I shouted in sudden terror and confusion at the situation I was in, which was that I was kidnapped.

"Shh." Mindy appeared in front of me barefoot. The colour of that mint green flashed it all back to me in a nanosecond. Her gorgeous red-brown hair was let out fully, dashing down the sides of her head next to her ears and at the back of her head in thin ropes, instead of being tied up like the last time I saw her.

"Where am I?" I asked again with annoyance, still struggling.

"You're in my home. Didn't we agree to come here?"

"What's with this disgusting room?" I muttered back from the top of my head.

Mindy broke out in laughter. She laughed quite loud, the kind that was straight from her stomach. "It is quite bad, isn't it? Why, it's my basement of course."

I groaned. "What time is it?"

"It's 3 a.m. on a Sunday." Mindy answered with a crude smile.

"What!?" I yelled.

"Sorry." She said, somewhat genuinely, though the fact that she wore a slight grin deterred me from believing it. "You were only out until I got you to my car, but apparently you fell into a heavy sleep. You kept waking up briefly, but that's about it."

My head started to feel woozy. It was either because the predicament I was in was a lot to handle, or because there was a gash between my eyebrow and my ear that left a river of blood dried to my dirty hair and down my cheek. "Wh... Why did you do this?" I asked with trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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