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The cafe was surprisingly not that full, considering it was afternoon on Valentines day. A tall highschool boy sat at a table, sipping a chocolate milkshake, green eyes at ease.

"Vanilla bean!" The tall boy waved another boy, slightly smaller, boy with black hair and holding a cap over his face, over.

"Ahh, I didn't know if I would find you here Rantaro..." Shuichi smiled as he sat next to him.

'Rantaro' was wearing a light green shirt with a picture of avacodo on it, with text saying 'It's okay guacomole. I'm extra too.' Shuichi assumed it was too match his green hair, which many people compared to an avocado.

"Well, it's cool I did find you Vanilla. Otherwise I would have been bored."

Rantaro had always called Shuichi Vanilla, or Vanilla Bean. He made nicknames for everyone who he hung out with. Mostly notably Short Wailugi and Redbull.

'He looks so... At ease... Its kinda mesmerising...' Shuichi thought. The thing was, for the longest time he had had a crush on Rantaro. Him and Rantaro were good friends, but Shuichi wished they were more. The green haired boy was so chill and laid back, Shuichi envied it.

He was way out of Shuichi's league though. Rantaro was surrounded by friends while Shuichi only had a few close ones. Rantaro was insanely popular while Shuichi would stay to books and manga instead of being social.

"Hows your day?" Shuichi asked, glancing up into Rantaro's eyes and catching them for a second before looking back down toward the table.

"Hmm, good I guess." Rantaro looked up from his milkshake, frowning at Shuichi as he noticed something. "You should probably order something... I mean, you did come in here to get something right?" he chuckled while Shuichi panicked.

"Umm- right right- I'll do that." Shuichi stood up, glancing back at Rantaro before ordering.

It was Valentines day... Shuichi was with the boy he likes, at a cafe. What could be a better setup than this.



Shuichi shyed away from the though of ever having the truth come out. He was scared. Scared the Rantaro would write him off as a stalker, a weirdo.

"What flavour?" The server asked, looking up from her dainty notebook as Sahara stood in the line.

He couldn't get the thought of Rantaro out of his head. It was like a malfunction.

"Vanilla please..."
Even now when ordering his mind would be on him. What were they...? Friends or more?

"Anything else?" The server asked.

"Umm, no thanks."

"Cool. It'll be out in 5 minutes."

Shuichi waited nervously near the counter, waiting for his order. Rantaro walked behind him.

"Hey." The green boys sudden sound made Shuichi jump. "Whatcha order?"

"Ahh, you'll see when it gets here." Shuichi twidled with his thumbs nervously.

He totally forget what he ordering in the time it took him to sit down. God, he was forgetful. It was probably because of Rantaro's presence. He wasn't able to think!

"A surprise huh? Cute."

"C- cute?!?" Shuichi blushed, fiddling with his hat until it covered his expression.

He called me cute, he called me cute, he called me cute, he caLLED ME CUTE-!

There was a nervous silence.

"Number 22?"

"Oh- that's me.. Thanks." Shuichi stumbled to the counter awkwardly.

"A milkshake? Niccccce" Rantaro commented. "Ah, so it's vanilla favoured." His eyes peered down as he leaned over the table, before they flickered up and caught Shuichi's, who was momentarily stunning. "A beautiful surprise, really." Rantaro deeply smiled up at him.

"Do you, umm, want some?" Shuichi pushed the drink towards Rantaro, staring at the floor intensely. He was alot more shy that usually, and Rantaro was starting to grow suspicious. But, then again, he never been the probing type, so he dropped the thought.

"Uhh, thanks I guess." Rantaro took a few sips. "Wow, this is really good. Good pick Vanilla."

"Y- you can have it."

"Nah. It's yours." Rantaro pushed the cup towards Shuichi. The boy was too nice in Rantaro's eyes. His shyness and awkwardness was also cute, raising the slightest blush to Rantaro's cheeks.

It's now or never... Shuichi's mind was racing. He wanted, no, almost needed Rantaro to be with him, otherwise he'd be haunted by his own unrequited love. He needed to make up his mind. 'Confess please... ' His mind begged.

His anxiety also had something to say however. 'You're just going to ruin your friendship. Give up now, and at least you can still see him on a day to day basis.'

"You alright?" Rantaro had noticed Shuichi's almost traumatised state.

Shuichi nodded, almost shaking. His eyes were fixed on the floor.

'Confess - it's valentines day,  you're with your crush alone you'll never get a better time to confess to him.'

Shuichi whispered something under his breath. Rantaro leaned in, eager to catch what he said but Shuichi's voice was too quiet for anyone to hear. "What was that Shuichi?" Rantaro wanted the boy to open up to him, he was so shy and quiet yet dark and mysterious. Though Rantaro didn't want Shuichi to feel like he was being forced to open up or anything.

"Umm- I said....... Its a..... Valentines gift...." Shuichi looked down, violently shaking even more than before and never making eye contact, just intently staring at the table in front of him.

Rantaro's eyes widened but he still kept a chill demeanour. A serious blush was rising to his checks as he realised what Shuichi was saying. "Thanks..." He was a bit breathless.

" like you......." Shuichi's blush grew to suffucate his face. He was tripping over his words now, why was this cafe so hot, why was his head burning.

"You... like me...?" Rantaro kept his eyes locked on Shuichi, who still wouldn't make eye contact.

"..." Shuichi stared at the ground so intensely that he's surprised it hasn't swallowed him up yet.

" umm.... will you... date..  me." Shuichi mumbled out before glancing at Rantaro and covering his face with his hat. He was blushing furiously and honestly terrified of Rantaro's answer.


A strong blush was apparent on Rantaro's face as he could feel his cheek heating up. He didn't know how to be chill and laid back anymore when he was faced with a situation like this. He was surprised, terrified and unsure. All his thought were jumbled up.

'Did he want to date Shuichi? The boy was cute, and kind, and honest and AGHHH-' his face was even more heated up as he thought about how nice and precious Shuichi truly was. And how absolutely adorable he could be while shy. It must have taken alot of courage to confess.

"...yes..." Rantaro answered. They were both blushing like radishes and so happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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