Scared Pt.4

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A few minutes later, he came back with his hands full of stuff. A glass, paper, a wooden ladle, two colanders, a saucepan, two pairs of gloves, a towel and two safety glasses.

You looked at him with a confused face. 'What are you going to do with all those things?'

'We are going to look for that spider. Can you please help me?' You stood up and took the saucepan and the gloves from Jungkook.

'But do we really need these much things. I mean, where are the gloves for?' You asked him while you were looking at them.

He dropped the stuff on the couch and grabbed both your hands. He looked you straight in the eyes. 'Listen to me, my love.' You smiled at him. 'I want you to be safe if we are going to look for that spider. And with all those things and me, you will be.'

He was so handsome. The worried look in his eyes, the way he held your hands. You had nothing to say. And actually, you didn't even get the chance to. He put one of the safety glasses and the colander on your head, gave you the gloves, the saucepan, and the paper.

While you were putting the gloves on, Jungkook was busy with his outfit. It looked so ridiculous. He had tied the towel around his neck as if it was a cape, the colander and the safety glasses on his head, the gloves on and in one hand he held a wooden ladle and in the other glass.
It was cute and ridiculous at the same time.

'Soldier baby.' He took one of the gloves off so he could move the colander that was on your head a little bit so he could look at you.

You were standing in the salute position. Jungkook laughed a little. 'I'm going upstairs to see where the spider is. If I'm not back in ten minutes you have to go upstairs and look for me. If I'm dead don't stay with me but run away. Run as fast as you can. Promise me.'

'I promise sir Jeon. But then you have to promise me something too.' You said.

'And that is?' He asked

'That you come back.'

He smiled, gave you a kiss and went to the stairs.

He turned his head to take one quick glance at you, before he walked up the stairs and disappeared into the bedroom.

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