3. Aspen

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The new kid not only sits next to me in the hellhole, but he now also sits at my lunch table. What's his problem? Does he actually have a death wish!? That's no matter now because I'm not in school. I'm not at home, either, if I can even call that place home. I'm with Gunther and Blake at an abandoned skate park. it's been a while since I saw Blake. He's always skipping class and getting into a shit ton of trouble. I probably would be, too, if it weren't for Min. He makes sure to watch out for Gun and I. He doesn't know about my past or that I hang around Blake. He and Blake used to know each other, but Blake changed six years ago for no reason. If there was a reason, Blake's the only one who knows it.

"Yo, Woods, you seem out of it today. What's up?" Gun calls out.

Blake does seem off today. I saw him in between classes, but he disappeared during lunch. Though he normally does that, it surprised me to see his empty seat in History and English, two classes after lunch. That's why I'm not surprised when I start to talk. "Yeah, Blake, where've you been? You skipped the whole second half of the day."

He turns toward me rapidly, baffled that I actually noticed. His expression changes back to a dull, emotionless state just as quickly as he turned his head. "Nowhere," he grunts. "I'm just exhausted from the weekend, 'kay!?" He's always been quick to anger, but this is much different. He looks mad, but the anger isn't at me or Gunther. It's at someone or something else, and I want to know what's causing this.

I speak again in a soft voice to calm him, "I'm only trying to help, Blake. I want to know what's on your mind. I can't help if I don't understand you."

He shakes his head and walks off. Gunther and I exchange confused glances. He whispers to me, "Why's today any different than any other day? Sure, he's reserved, but this is going overboard with the trait." I look to see if his facial expression is serious, and I see no hint of anger or teasing. He does actually care for Blake.

I think back to what is different about today than any other day. The image of Sage's face pops in my head, and I try to shake it out. I can't have any distractions right now. Sadly, my brain has other ideas and continues to pop images of Sage's face, dark brown eyes, and strawberry blond hair into my head. "What about the fight before school?" I spit out, trying to distract myself from the small boy. "I didn't pay much attention to it, but you always know about fights. What was it today?"

He shakes his head. "Just Derek and Cole going at it again."

For the second time today, my eyes just barely stay in their sockets. I want to tell Gunther about the library incident from the morning, but something in my mind stops me. How could Derek be in two places at once!? "Did you actually see Derek fighting?" I ask and immediately feel stupid. I should've asked about both of them.

"Derek's friends were fighting for him, and he was watching on the side. Why are you so interested in Derek all of the sudden?"

I scoff, "I'm not. Trust me on that. I just... saw something this morning involving him." I think back to the whole library debacle, and Sage's face pops backs in my head. He looked so vulnerable back then, like he thought Derek was actually going to do something to him. If I hadn't came, Derek probably would have.

Gunther narrows his eyes at me in a suspicious way, but he leaves my thoughts alone. "Why'd you let that kid join our table?"

"Min looked excited for a new friend," I lie. To be fully honest here, I have no clue what took over me when I invited to tiny boy to our lunch table. It could be his huge, innocent eyes or his neatly combed hair. It could also be the fear that if I didn't, I'd have to go back into the disgusting realm of the library and encounter Derek again. Saying that him and I have had a rocky past would be a complete understatement. Many of the scars and hospital visits he's had were because of either me or my friends. Do I feel any remorse? No. He deserved every punch thrown at him and every kick aimed.

I don't even notice that I've been trembling until I feel Gunther tracing circles on my shoulder. I lean on him, closing my eyes. He's always been there for me, even before we met Min. Before my first foster home. 

Before my life got fucked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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