Chapter 1

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How I got his number was simple. My ex best friend Lydia texted me saying she was texting a hot guy named Nathan and then showed me a picture that she got off of twitter of him with his number on it. Mistake number 1 (Never talk to a guy who posts his number on social media.) I could tell Lydia already had a crush on him and they were only texting for about 20 minutes.

She was kind of dumb and made a lot of dumb decisions so her texting some random guy wasn't new to me. After about 10 minutes of her telling me he's so hot and he's totally flirting with her, I decided to put my phone down and go get a book. When I came back to my phone with my book in hand I had over 20 missed texts from Lydia telling me he's totally screening her and shit like that.

As a good friends who didn't actually feel like reading I decided to text his number, just to see if he was actually screening her. Sure enough I got a text right away. I kind of laughed because he was screening Lydia but honestly I do it too because she's a bit clingy. Me and Nathan had a normal and funny convo.

He seemed pretty chill and we texted till 1am the first night, the second night, the third night and you see where this is going. He made me laugh because he would tell me hilarious stories. We talked about good things like school, friends and sports but by the 4th night he told me that if I were to ever hear anything bad about him, come and ask him if it was true. Mistake number 2. (No guy would tell someone something like that if he didn't have something to hide) Of course I just put it off as people like to create drama so I couldn't care less.

When the 5th day came around we talked about everything. Well it felt like it. He told me how pretty my name was and how Bea and Nathan sound cute together. I never understood what he meant by that but I understand everything now. We texted everyday. Every night. I guess you could say I had a bit of a crush but I had never met this guy. Around the 4th week of texting we'd joke around all the time and I'd send him super funny but inappropriate pick up lines like "did you get your pants on sale? Because at my place they'd be 100% off" or "let's play Titanic. You be the iceberg and I'll go down". Pretty much dumb things to make each other laugh. That's when he sent me "your pickup lines would have worked if I was single". That night I found out he had a girlfriend. Her name was Samantha. Mistake number 3. (Never like a guy who has a girlfriend) Aghhh I hated her, I didn't have a reason other than being jealous of her. I've never felt jealous over anyone or anything before but I was 100% jealous of Samantha. I actually should have ended the texts right there but no. I was not going to stop.

We kept texting. Weeks went by and we knew everything about each other and we even started snap chatting a lot. When he was at home he'd send me ones that were shirtless. He was so hot.

Around the 8th week of texting each other he then told me I should come to one of his volleyball games. I first told him I'll think about it but then he continued to say please, you'll be my good luck charm and if you want I could give you a ride ;). I sat in my room thinking. What was the worst that could happen? I didn't reply back to him for about 10 minutes because I was thinking. I was so done being this good girl that I was and I wanted me a bad boy so I told him I would come to the game but I'll go with one of my friends. Then I sent him good night and see you tomorrow. I was going to met him tomorrow.... I couldn't believe it. I had so much to do like figure out how to get to the school he was playing at and how was I going to lie to my mom about where I was going. I had so much going through my head but then I got a text from Nathan saying "Good night! Sweet dreams. Can't wait to finally meet you tomorrow <3".

~Hope you liked it! If you did please share it and vote for it bc It means a lot to me! Hope to have another chapter before the end of this week!!~ xox -Brittany

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