marry him first!

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Dear Diary,

The serpents will eventually come to our school... i can not say that it was unexpected... the problem is that jug is a serpent and he once dated a girl who is in the gang. I can not wait to see how this will turn out since she is nagging him to get back together...

Anyway on Saturday i will meet Juggie's dad. I hope he will like me. That of course will happen since my father will come back on Sunday... thank god i still have some days left... anyway juggie said that after the dinner with his father we will go on the special date he was talking about and then we were going to the Wyrm: his father's bar. I do not know how that will come out either.

So because of the fact that i have not many news except the fact that i got A+ in all of my tests life is pretty normal. If someone can call my life notmal. Now that my father is away i also tried coffee for the first time. It was amazing. I loved it. But i can not drink because of our "perfect image".

Also i am going to Madrid for a competition. I am going to solve Math problems, write an essay and run a mile in under 30 minutes. It is like a triathlon but i am excited even if the fact that my father will probably beat me if i do not win. But it will be the first time away from my parents. Anyway i will write again♡

Dear Diary,

A week has passed since i last wrote. In this week lot of things have happened. I met the girl that likes Jug. Her name is Barbara Thomson and she is tall with brown hair and black eyes. She was more beautiful that i could ever be. She had freckles but other than that she had a perfectly clear skin. She was obviously working out and because of that she came to school with a black top that covered only the boobs leaving the rest of her upper body exposed. She also wore black jeans with MANY rips. So many that the only thing that was covered was her "sensitive spot". I immidiately started digging my nails into my palms which led to scars in the shape of my nails. My anxiety had returned even though i was feeling a lot better for myself since i had started dating Juggie. I quietly went to the bathroom and tried controlling my breath. I started sobbing but i covered it since i was not allowed to wear make up so i did not have any tear stains. Right then she walked into the bathroom. I was in one of the stalls when i heard Barbara telling the others that Fp (jughead's dad) was planning on marrying MY boyfriend with her. It was because she was one of the heirs of the Serpent throne (except from Jug) which made her very popular and since Fp wanted to keep the kingship in the family he would make him marry her. She was a Toledo serpent he was a Southside Serpent... a perfect match. I was shocked and the first thing i did was to tell Jughead who looked equally as shocked as me. He told me that nothing will keep them apart and even if he has to marry her he knows the rules and it would last only five years. FIVE YEARS. He will be married to her longer than the time we will be dating. Both of them are 17 which means that they have less that a year since the time when they will have to get married. I of course was so sad i had to take my depression pills earlier and miss second period. I went to Veronica's where i explained her everything and she said

"it is very simple. You will get married first". "What the Fuck V you think i am gonna ask him to marry me out of the blue?" "Ehh yeah actually""i am not gonna ask him just like that so he will not marry a girl who will help him achieve his dreams. I love him too much to do this".

Those were our exact words and then i stormed out. I decided i will try and fight for Jug so i started getting ready for our dinner with his dad and then our date. I wore a floral off the shoulder dress which fitted for all the things that we were gonna do tonight. I also got a 2nd outfit. A black fitted dress. I paired both of them with my favourite burgundy heels and a light makeup look. All of the preparations happened of course on Saturday. The moment i finished getting ready i heard jug ringing the bell. I opened at him and we went to the dinner. He lived in a pretty big house which had a fountain at the front. The staircase was wooden and at the front door there was a kind old lady who took our coats. The size of the house reminded me of a 3 floor flat but it was still big for two people. The dinner went great and i think his father liked me. After juggie took me at a treehouse in the back yard. The treehouse was decorated with fairy lights, blankets, a laptop and 4 buckets of popcorn. Jug had put on a Harry Potter movie: the first one actually since he had never actually seen it. It was my 2nd all time favourite movie and i had told him that when we were still friends i in 7th grade. He remembered... I used his lap as a pillow and he started twirling my hair. After the movie ended he told me to get ready since we were going to the Wyrm to "have fun".

After a while we got there and he brought to me sweets and fangs to hang out while he was talking to his dad who was also there. Some minutes later he called them to attend to a serpent meeting... only for guys. Literally this gang will never move on. Anyway i found Toni and we talked and talked all night long and she met me a whole bunch of peole including Varbara.

Time for the surprise of the night: i talked to Barbara and she told me that she knows about me knowing about the marriage and she promised me that after the 5 years she will let him go so he could be with me. She actually is a very nice girl. She said she realised how much we love each other by the way we look at each other's eyes... i just hope that until the marriage this idea of Fp will change.

On another subject after i told V about my father she made me go to the police and tell them about it. I told them pretty much my whole life from the threats that my mother and us got to the beating every day. I asked them to keep this quiet because he would hurt my mom and they agreed. They informed me that as soon as they could arrest him officially they would contact me.

I am feeling way more free and like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

Tomorrow i have my birthday and i will officially be 17. I planned with V, Archie, Cheryl, Toni and Juggie to go to the local cinema and after that to the Wyrm so they would meet sweets, fangs and the rest of the gang... also i will be able to do my serpent tattoo. I have chosen the place: under my left boob.😂
Anyway i will write again.♡
(Sorry for the wait i am at camp and i do not have internet... Also i put 2 chapters together so i could move on with the story and because i did not want to keep you on wait❤)

My diary- Bughead editionWhere stories live. Discover now