Chapter 4 ~ Emma

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Emma watched the gas needle drop just a tick above ‘E’ as she pulled into the dirt lot of Mrs. Goddard's. She hopped out of her mustang, taking note of her excellent taste as she glanced around the pick-your-own organic farm. It had been her idea to help Mrs. Goddard do some updates once her husband passed away and she inherited his father's land; judging from the crowd of people on a Friday afternoon, the investment was paying off.

Mrs. Goddard didn't run the farm by herself, of course, but rather had a staff to help customers, work the land, and run the restaurant and gift shop that greeted guests. Those had both been Emma's ideas too—the Goddards were long-time family friends, and she couldn't resist helping once Mr. Goddard died. She had spent nearly three years of high school securing the business loans from her father and a few of his friends, working with contractors, and picking out all the design elements, from inventory to menus to decor to branding.

The result was a breathtaking experience that was perfectly on-trend with country chic, that could support Mrs. Goddard for the rest of her days. She was so grateful for Emma's help, that she even wrote Emma into her will as her inheritor, which meant that someday, Mrs. Goddards would be hers.

She pursed her lips, biting back her smile as she walked into the restaurant.

A pretty, petite girl with a full face, red hair, and pale skin greeted her with a wide smile. "How many in your party?" she asked.

Emma eyed her name tag. Harriet. She had heard Mrs. Goddard mention a Harriet Smith a few times, her niece who might be coming to live with her. The girl lived with her father, Mrs. Goddard's brother, in the neighboring town of Ravensbelle just a few miles south. But the father was more interested in saving children in Africa than taking care of his own child, so Harriet had raised herself in some respects, until Mrs. Goddard talked her into moving to Rosebelle and finish out her education at the same top-ranked private school that Emma and Elsie had just graduated from.

"I'm not dining tonight," Emma said, flipping her hair behind her. "Are you Harriet Smith? I'm Emma Woodhouse, close friend of your aunt's."

Harriet's eyes widened as she set the menus down at the hostess station. "You're Emma Woodhouse? Oh my gosh, my aunt has told me all about you. National merit scholar, honor society, state qualifier in track and field, prom queen! You are basically the reason I want to go to Rosebelle Prep next year. And everything you've done around here too—I can't even imagine putting this entire business together."

Emma laughed at Harriet's gushing. "Well, thank you. It wasn't easy, but I am planning to major in business when I get to LSU."

"You will be so good at it," Harriet said, still wide-eyed, as if she were meeting a celebrity.

"So it's decided then?" Emma said, finding herself more curious than ever about the girl standing in front of her. She was pretty, sweet, and had good taste, judging from her admiration of Emma's work at Mrs. Goddards. She had potential—potential that Emma could use in Rosebelle. She just wasn't sure where.

Harriet's eyes blanked. "What's decided?"

"That you're moving to Rosebelle to go to school," Emma said.

"Oh, yes," Harriet said, her face lighting up again. "I'm starting my senior year there in the fall."

A small smile crept onto Emma's lips. "Interesting," she replied, her mind surveying Harriet. As pretty as she was, she didn't exactly have a completed look—her nails were course from biting, her socks didn't match, and her hair could be styled differently to make her appear a bit more... feminine.

"Oh my gosh!" Harriet exclaimed. "You're here to pick up the pies-in-jars for the Weston wedding! I'll tell Robby to load them into your car."

Harriet rushed off, making it halfway to the kitchens before stopping dead in her tracks. "Keys," she muttered to herself, making Emma bite her lip. She made her way back to Emma sheepishly, and Emma dropped the keys into the palm of her outstretched hand.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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