2. Separated

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The day had finally come for the sea lykars to journey back to the lagoon. Luna and a few other lykars searched their island to make sure that nobody was left behind. Spirit was with her family among the crowd of sea lykars.

"I can't wait to get there!" Storm, Spirit's brother said, while scratching his ear. "There was so much we hadn't explored around that island." Spirit turned to him.

"I know!" She exclaimed, "Around the cliffs, the sea caves, it's going to be amazing!" Their parents, Kotar and Kayla looked at them.

"Easy there kids," Kotar interrupted, "we have to get there safe and sound first," he chuckled. Spirit and Storm looked at each other, confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Storm asked.

"The ocean can be a dangerous place, and travelling in a large pod like us can make us an easy target," Kotar explained. Kayla stepped forward to interfere.

"But that also makes it easier to defend one another," Kayla reassured. "We'll be just fine." She nuzzled her face into her mate's neck. Luna made her way through the crowd and to the front of the pod.

"Remember," Luna called to the pod, "always stay close, predators won't attack us if we stand as one." The lykars agreed and they all set off with Luna leading the pod across the ocean.


"Branch, you've been up there all day!" Poppy shouted out to him. Branch was up one of the tall trees close to the lagoon, he was using his binoculars to search the horizon, looking for any sign of lykars. Since Iris told him about the lykars possible return, he's been looking for them day by day. Tekai noticed what was happening and decided to check it out.

"What's he doing this time?" Tekai asked Poppy. 

"Still looking out for lykars," Poppy replied.

"Branch, it took us two days to reach their island," Tekai yelled, "if they are coming then it's going to take a few days." Branch didn't listen, his eyes were fixed on the horizon. "Maybe we should throw a pine cone at him." She suggested. Poppy looked over at her with a dry but confused expression. "What?"

"I need to keep a look out," Branch finally said, "if any danger goes their way-" Branch was interrupted.

"Branch, they're sea lykars!" Tekai said, "as long as their a pod, nothing can hurt them!" 

"You can never be too sure!" Branch yelled back. Tekai picked up a pine cone in her hand and was ready to throw it at him. Poppy grabbed her arm to stop her, she then took the pine cone off of Tekai and tossed it away. 

"Hang on! I think I see something!" Branch exclaimed as he shot up onto his feet. His foot slipped off the branch he was standing on and he lost his balance, falling off the tree branch. Poppy reacted quickly and shaped her hair like a giant pillow so she could catch him. Branch landed on Poppy's hair with a soft thud. 

"Branch, are you okay?" Poppy asked him, concerned. Branch sat up and nodded. "What did you see?" 

"It turned out to be just a weirdly shaped rock," Branch replied, a little embarrassed. 

"Well, I highly doubt a rock is going to come to life and attack them," Tekai laughed. Branch rolled his eyes and grunted.


Hours had passed and the sea lykars were still travelling. They weren't too tired from the journey and found it very enjoyable and exciting. They had rounded up shoals of fish to eat, and had even swam alongside dolphins, rays and other marine species. Spirit eventually caught up with the rest of her friends, Askar, Corkscrew, Ali and Ula. The five of them swam together most of the time, having jumping competitions, getting close to other creatures that they were curious about. It had been such an exhilarating day full of adventure and excitement, but the sun was starting to set and the young calves of the pod were growing tired. Luna led the pod to a nearby island where they can rest. As she set paw on the island, she looked around cautiously, keeping an eye out for any predators or danger that could harm them. While Luna looked around with some other lykars, the rest of the pod started to dig nests in the sand for them and their calves, some even took shelter in a large cave on the island. Spirit looked up at the night sky, Askar noticed her and joined her.

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