Chapter 11

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I woke up and I was in Bens room "Shit" I got up and got dressed I looked at Ben to make sure he was still sleeping and I teleported myself home Evie was awake "Babe where have you been" she was mad "I stayed there because belle wanted to hang out" she looked at me "Why are you lying to me" she yelled "What are you talking about" "Look at your neck" she said with venom I went to a mirror and saw three hickeys on my neck "Evie please I.." "You What chested on me with your ex and now everyone knows it" I just looked at her and she turned on the Auradon news 'Some reporters have found King Ben and Mal kissing in the garden yesterday and King Ben dragged Mal into the castle' I looked back at Evie and she was crying "Evie I'm sorry" she looked at me and went upstairs I followed her "Babe please just let me explain" she turned around (and the boys walked out but she didn't see them) "I didn't mean to I promise I just stared into his eyes and I kissed him I just that neither of us stopped loving each other but Evie i promise you that I will always love you no matter what happens between us and don't try to act innocent either" "What are you talking about" she whispered "Ben told me that you came back a few weeks ago and he say you kissing Doug" she looked at me and then looked down "Alright your both to blame but please try to make up or something because Chloe has always had two mothers" Carlos "Maybe she needs a mother and a father" I said and started walking away "Mal what is that supposed to mean" Jay said "I'm going back to Auradon and staying there with Ben the one person I know who won't hurt me because he has done so much for me then any of you could ever do" and I went into Chloe's room to see her still sleeping I packed her stuff and teleported it into a room I know no one goes into at the castle and I went to my room and saw Evie crying on our bed I packed my stuff and teleported it to the same room I saw Evie look at me before I left she tried to talk but I ignored it and went to Chloe to wake her up "Hey baby walk up you need to get dressed" she woke up "I got you an outfit out to put on because we are leaving" "Where are we going" she said while putting her outfit on "We are going to be living with your father" "Does he know that" "No but he will once we get there" she nodded and went downstairs to eat I followed her and it was silent the whole time Chloe said goodbye to Jay and Carlos and then she said bye to Evie "Bye mommy" I walked over to her and pulled her away "She isn't mommy anymore" Evie looked at me and cried "Mal please I'm sorry" "That what you cheated first or that you went back on your own and kissed him" "Mal you didn't the same" "Yeah but I went there because of Chloe not on my own free will" I said and teleported us into belles library we walked into the dining room and once Ben saw us he stood up "Mal what are you doing here" "Staying here with you um Evie said she did more then just kiss him" (When she said Mal did the same meaning Mal and Evie both had sex with other people) I looked down and Ben came up to me and hugged me I hugged back he pulled away and kissed me I kissed back "Ewww stop that's disgusting" Chloe said covering her eyes we pulled away and laughed Belle walked over and talked to Chloe and Adam came over to me and Ben "Look Mal I'm sorry for what I did" "Hey it's okay and look now I'm back with Ben so you get your Lady of the court and the heir back" he nodded and went to Chloe Ben pulled me away into another room "Mal your not the lady of court" "What do you mean" "Your the Queen now that we are together we have to get married soon because as king I need to marry six to seven years after I become king or I lose the kingdom" "Well you won't have to lose the kingdom but you will have to actually propose to me or you will be left at the alter" we laughed and kissed we walked back to Chloe and Bens parents and hung out

Will Evie save her relationship with Mal or will she go with Doug

Will the boys help them get back together or will they let them be happy with other people

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