I - Broken Sword, Broken Rule

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The Knights of Light, led by Jericho, are an organization created to protect the world from corruption and evil. Jericho is a tall and powerful man with no hair whatsoever, who is also the father of Lu and Gabriel Silver, some of the most skilled knights from the Knights of Light. The Knights of Light have only held a few tournaments and are usually held to determine qualified wielders for the legendary Light Blades, blades using different forms of light as a source of power. The tournament being held now is the Tournament of Moonlight, which is held on the castle roof, and contained a circular arena surrounded by rows of seats for spectators, usually other members of the Knights of Light. These tournaments are held in the morning to prevent the fighters from becoming drowsy. After a long series of intense battles, the Tournament of Moonlight is finally coming to an end. After this final battle, the winner will be able to acquire the Moonlight Blade, a legendary blade with the power to allow its wielder to hide in the shadows and become extremely fast in dark places. The battle between Lu Silver and Gabriel Silver is about to begin and everyone is anxious to see who will be victorious between the two brothers.

"Come now brother, it is time to show Father who the strongest son really is," said Gabriel with a smirk on his face. Lu, already feeling taunted, drew his blade quickly and held his shield to his side as he prepared for battle. After a few moments of silence and tension, the gong rang and the battle began. Although he was angry due to Gabriel's mockery, Lu remained calm during battle and slowly moved closer to Gabriel in an attempt to finish the fight quickly.

Gabriel is a prime example of the perfect son. He followed his father's rules, trained hard day in and day out, and is popular among the ladies, thanks to his long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. However, he knows that everyone sees him as their role model and that made him extremely cocky as a result. On the other hand, Lu was not as fortunate as his older brother. Lu has to train twice as hard just to be able to hold his ground against Gabriel. Not only that, but Lu always was the mischievous son, pulling lots of different stunts such as painting Gabriel's old sword pink or drawing inappropriate sketches on Jericho's face while he slept. For this reason, many people despised Lu and believed the Knights of Light would be better off without him. Unlike Gabriel, Lu had short, brown hair with a few blonde hairs in the middle, and hazel eyes that drew little to no attention compared to Gabriel's bright blue eyes. Nonetheless, Lu paid no attention to the negative comments, and continued training in hopes of surpassing Gabriel.

"Now, now brother, don't come at me so fast. I wouldn't want to end the fight so swiftly now would I?" said Gabriel, letting out a small chuckle.

"Ever since you defeated me at the Tournament of Daylight you've become so full of yourself. Don't get too confident, Gabriel. You may have gotten the best of me at the Tournament of Daylight, but don't think for a second I'm still the same Lu you fought then!" exclaimed Lu as he held his shield in front of himself and rushed towards Gabriel. Thrown off by the shield attack, Gabriel is pushed back, almost thrown to the ground.

"I see you've adapted new fighting techniques. Who did you learn them from? Savages?" said Gabriel as he regained his stance and slowly crept towards Lu. Suddenly, Gabriel swung his sword at Lu, barely missing in order to push Lu to the out of bounds line. The most important rule of the tournament is that no killing is allowed. Therefore, the only way to win is to either force your opponent out of bounds or simply make them give up. Lu was quick to notice that Gabriel's whiff was no accident.

"So you're playing this game again?" asked Lu.

"What're you talking about?" responded Gabriel with a confused look.

"Don't act stupid. At the last tournament you didn't touch me once with your blade and here you are again, attempting to throw me out of bounds without laying a finger on me. Since when did you become such a coward, Gabriel?" said Lu, with a disappointed look. Easily losing his temper, Gabriel angrily began swinging his blade at Lu, landing only a few scratches.

"You know I was only trying to be a good big brother, but if you're going to call me a coward for it, then you leave me no choice but to go all out!" yelled Gabriel as he summoned the Daylight Blade, a bright orange blade he obtained after winning the Tournament of Daylight. Unlike the Moonlight Blade, the Daylight Blade grows stronger in places with lots of light and is able to blind its victims.

"Must be my lucky day, brother. Standing on the castle roof during a sunny afternoon. Seems to me like the odds really are in my favor," said Gabriel, letting out a small smile. Lu ran towards Gabriel to try to stop him before his activated the Daylight Blade's powers, but it was too late. With a single swing, the roof of the castle was filled with an immense light. If it wasn't for Jericho's protective barriers, all the spectators would have definitely been temporarily blinded. Having already acquired the Daylight Blade, if Gabriel wins this tournament as well, and obtains the Moonlight Blade, there's no telling how strong of a warrior he'll become.

"Aghhh I can't see anything!" exclaimed Lu as he held his shield out in an attempt to protect himself. However, Gabriel wasted no time and quickly slashed at Lu's arms, leaving wounds not too deep but painful enough to make him drop his sword and shield.

At this point most people thought the battle was over, but Lu did not give up just yet. As he stood there, empty handed, Lu focused everything into his sense of smell and could get an idea of where Gabriel was at the moment. Gabriel swung again, this time at Lu's legs. Although Lu knew Gabriel was about to attack judging from how close the scent of his blade was, he could not see where the blade was headed and fell to the floor as his legs were struck. As Lu struggled to get back on his feet, Gabriel looked at him with a mischievous stare.

"You know you always were a stubborn kid, but tell me, how are you going to get back on your feet if I were to cut both your legs and arms off?" suggested Gabriel as he prepared for his final attack. Lu, still blinded, faced Gabriel's blade, and stayed put.

"How nice of you to stop resisting and accept your fate. It's finally time for me to get that Moonlight Blade, brother," said Gabriel as he swiftly swung his blade at Lu's left arm. However, ever since Gabriel revealed the Daylight Blade, Lu has been trying to distinguish the smell of the blade compared to every other smell in the location. Finally, Lu was able to clearly see where the blade was at using his sense of smell and without giving it a second thought, stopped the Daylight Blade using his teeth.

"What? But how is this even possible, you're supposed to be blinded?" asked Gabriel, with a confused look.

"Well when you get so close to winning the Tournament of Daylight then lose without being hit once, you tend to learn new techniques to use in different scenarios. In my case, I mastered my five senses to prepare for events such as these," explained Lu as he bit harder on the blade and snapped it in half, releasing a burst of energy pushing both himself and Gabriel away. Lu, having regained his eyesight back, stood up and walked towards Gabriel.

"Y-you broke it...the D-Daylight Blade...you good for nothing bastard!" yelled Gabriel as he rushed at Lu, holding the broken blade in his left hand. However, due to his immense anger, the broken Daylight Blade was able to activate its powers one last time, and an immense amount of light was released. Because it was broken, the Daylight Blade could not differentiate its wielder between everyone else and blinded Gabriel as well. Lu held his sword in front of him to be prepared for any attack from Gabriel. Lu used his sense of smell to pinpoint Gabriel's location. Once he found him, Lu swung at Gabriel with mighty force to scare him into a corner. However, what Lu did not know was that Gabriel was also blinded, so he wouldn't be able to dodge the attack in time and back up into the corner. Instead, Gabriel kept running towards Lu, and to everyone's surprise, was slashed straight through his chest by Lu's full power swing.

"Wait Gabriel, you didn't dodge?" asked Lu, slowly getting his eyesight back once again. By the time his eyesight was back, all Lu could see was a lifeless Gabriel on the ground, laying in a pool of blood.

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