One Way Ticket

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(Kaminari X Reader)

Remember that night

I had to leave you

I sighed as I leaned against the door frame of our bedroom, watching him gather his items last minute.

Golden eyes frantic as he looked over his things not wanting to forget anything. He soon zipped up his suitcase and began to make his way towards the door. His movements rushed as he was going to be late for his flight to America.

His hero agency was sending him as a reinforcement there, due to a large natural disaster that occurred in California. Multiple other agencies were sending their own heroes as well.

I helped him with his things as we walked down the stairs of our apartment. Bakugo honking at us from the parking lot below, cursing at us to hurry up. Kirishima and Sero were the only others in the car.

My mind was full of worry as I looked at Kaminari, I didn't want him to leave. He'd be gone for almost a month or more depending on how long it would take to rescue civilians and restore the damage. I knew the risk of traveling and being a hero in general, after all, I am a hero as well.

We soon reached the car, Bakugo opening the trunk, mumbling about how they still needed to pick up Mina and deal with traffic.

"I'll be back soon, I promise," Kaminari told me as he gave me his signature smile. "I'm your hero after all. I'll always come home to you."

My (e/c) eyes softened at his words, releasing the breath I was holding.

"I know... Just please be careful Denki," I replied, reaching out and caressing his cheek.

He put his own hand against mine and leaned into my warm touch. The blonde soon pulled me in for a hug, holding me close. His embrace full of love, reassuring me of everything. He smirked as he began to attack my face with kisses, leaving my lips for last.

"I love you, (Y/N)," Kaminari told me, his words nothing but the truth as he kissed me.

I returned his kiss, it was full of love and care, his soft lips were so warm and soft. We made a promise to show our love to each other like this every time we left each other, no matter how long it would be.

We pulled away for air as Sero wolf whistled, teasing us.

I blushed at this, looking back up at my love.

"I love you too, Denki."

He closed the trunk and walked towards the car, opening the door with a loving glance.

"Tch, 'bout time. You sure you'll be alright without this idiot?," Bakugo asked as looked at me from the driver side.

You said

"It's alright, It's his job after all."

He gave me a sad smile as they all said their goodbyes, leaving me alone in the parking lot.

and I believed you

I felt the wind blow through my hair, allowing strands to get stuck in my tears. I was full of nothing except worry.

One Way Ticket (Kaminari Denki x Reader - Song Fic)Where stories live. Discover now