The Beginning of it all

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"Hey hey hey!Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"a young man asked dodging a punch."Shut up!ever since you popped up you been like a fucking zit!Spider-Man"a heavy set man yelled as he grabbed Spider-man's neck and slammed him into the ground."But I'm your favorite Zit right?"Spider man said while finger pointing at big boy and his lenses on his suit said he was smiling.Big boy was furious so he threw Spider Man,but time froze because Spider Man broke my poor poor Fourth Wall..."Oh stop whining.Now Hi my name Is Izuku 'Deku' Midorya or you know me as the one the only Spider Man!and without the mask Ima stuttering mess!Now listen yadi ya the Damn author tried to do this earlier but they are such a dumbass they forgot to save so here we are!Now let's go to where it all began..."Spider Man said as he waved his hand in front of him as his Lenses widen.

A few months earlier...

The 1-A class are on a field trip to a laboratory that are trying to infuse a spider's blood with blood of All Might.(made up)"Now boys and girls please dont touch anything."a man in a lab coat said.A certain couple in the back looked at a cage but to find the spider gone."H-Hey Professor there's one gone."Izuku said as his girlfriend clung to his arm."What?Everyone evacuate now!"The professor yelled pressing a red button as sirens rang through the building.As everyone ran they failed to notice the spider sneak into Izuku's Hoodie.When they got on the bus they started to sit in there seats but then Izuku felt something bite his hand so he yelped in surprise and looking down at a spider before his girlfriend slapped his hand and killed it.'Why do I fucking have to date this big pussy?'Uraraka asked as she hid her frustration behind a fake smile."T-Thanks Ochako"Izuku said."No problem B-Babe...."Ochako said trying not to puke from calling Izuku Babe.They sat there in silence until they made it back to UA.

Izuku went home cause he was feeling sick and went to sleep.It is 7:39 am when Izuku wakes up,but instead when he jumped out of bed his hands were sticking to his sheets and his blanket."That's odd."Izuku said as he pulled his hands off,but then they stuck to his curtains"Please stop sticking!"Izuku yelled.He again pulled them off and this time he fell out the window without a shirt in just his uniform pants."Dont stop sticking Izuku!"Izuku yelled before climbing back into his room."Okay Okay...I have to see what else I can do now."Izuku said and got dressed and left after giving his adopted daughter Eri a kiss on the cheek and picked her up taking her to the daycare."Bye sweetie!"Izuku said smiling at his daughter and waving."Bye Daddy!Love you!"Eri said Izuku rqn to school to find he was more faster than usual.'There's that...wait why are my thoughts so loud?'Izuku thought until he felt a tingle and dodged a drone from behind by doing a twist in mid air."Woah!Sick moves!"A young kid said with stars in his eyes."T-Thanks"Izuku said to the little boy until the kid's older sister came running."Dakota!I told you not to run off!"The girl said."S-Sorry Camie."The boy known as Dakota.Camie turned her head to Izuku whose shirt was leaving nothing to the imagination for his eight pack could be seen as well as the scars on his arms,chest,and abdomen.

"S-Sorry about him I hoped he didnt bother you."Camie said blushing."Oh no he didnt."Izuku said as Camir sighed in relief.Izuku looks at the time and it is 12 so he says his goodbyes and left with the chocolates he bought for Ochako.As he walks up to her room he hears moaning."Fuck me harder Daddy!~"Izuku heard a voice that he knew all to well....Ochako Uraraka his so called girlfriend....He heard her moan one last time before he heard one more thing he wished he didnt."Hey we could do this more if you would leave that damn nerd."Another voice said.Izuku dropped the chocolates as tears ran down his cheeks.To say he was heartbroken would be an understatement.His whole life crumbled.His mother had to go to The U.S.A to help his Uncle and Ochako was the thing that helped him with his pain."okay I'll break up with him when he comes with my snack he usually buys."Ochako said."I-Its fine...I'm done with people fucking cheating me!You can have the damn hoe Kacchan!Fuck you both!"Izuku said as he kicked the door so hard it flew out the Window in Ochako's room.Izuku ran to his room crying not before throwing the chocolates down on the ground.He slammed his door that broke the wall.He leaned against a wall after he locked his door.He started to cry.A good 20 minutes later he heard knocking on his door."Midorya get out here now!How dare you hurt Ochako!You disgust me Principal Nezu,All Might Sensei,and Aizawa sensei are coming here to get you!"Lida said.'L-Lida believes them?!'Izuku mentally yelled."Okay...."Izuku said putting on a hoodie and a suit he made for a 'friend' he's been working on.

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