Fiery, Blood, and Loving, Death

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Cram it!: Jake said. it must have been a love potion! why would FP give me a love potion she doesn't love me: Finn said depressed going upstairs. the door bell rang again. I'LL GET IT!: Jake said making sure it wasn't flame princess, sadly it was. Hey Jake: Flame princess said. is Finn home? NO NOW LEAVE!: Jake said knowing what she had done. Finn is here isn't he: Flame princess said grinning. i don't know what that apple was-. yes you do: Flame princess said. as far as i know there is no cure, and it should stay that way. YOU'RE SICK!: Jake shouted. Yes!: Flame princess said. Yes i am, now where is Finn? Jake knew that he had to keep Finn away. Fine: Jake lied. i'll go get him. FINN!: Jake said barging into the room. what?: Finn said crying. we gotta go, urgent! okay: Finn said sighing. Jake pulled Finn into a big hug where he could only breath, and not see or hear. we gotta get to Marcy: Jake thought. when they got to the front door of Marcy's, Jake knocked. Heya: Marcy said. oh hey Finn. Finn waved slightly with a grin that turned into a sad grimace. what's wrong: Marcy said. Finn! what's wrong! i love flame princess: Finn said plainly. Marceline slammed the door and went to cry on the sofa. tell her i'm sorry: Finn said. i gotta go see flame princess. NO FINN!: Jake shouted. Meanwhile. it is time: baby lich said. Yes master: Tree trunks and Mr pig said in a trance like unison. but why now?: Tree Trunks asked. the vampire's heart is broken: The lich replied smiling. we shall make a deal with her. how can a broken heart, for even someone as powerful as Marceline help us?: Mr pig asked. The lich smiled pityingly. oh young one: The lich continued. love has been failing all around and is in the process, giving me power. How!?: Tree Trunks asked intrigued. simple: The lich said. Love and Death are but opposites.

sorry if it's short, and i'm sorry for breaking Marcy's heart as well, it all ties together as you can see, give me your thoughts

Finn and Marceline, changing fate.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang