Guava island

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I could see the sun setting as I walked through Milagros Island, it was beautiful. It was very Lowkey and most people didn't have phones so nobody knew who I was

As I walked the streets the only thing I could feel was summer, everything felt like summer.

It's my third day here on the island and nobody has contacted me to see where I was, which made me extremely happy

I walked around happy with the sun still blazing my face slightly, as I walked up ahead I could see a guava bar

I walked my self up there and sat on one of the stools

I read the "Menue" and proceeded to order

"Hello, can I have a medium Guava explosion?" I said asking an employee at the stand, he nodded making it quickly then giving it to me

I paid for the drink and tipped him

As I took a sip of the drink I was surprised at how amazing it tasted, I could sense how somebody was sitting beside me but i didn't pay much attention to it

"I know the guava juice is amazing isn't it? They should name this island Guava island" the person said beside me, i turned around not expecting it to be him

"Cameron....." I said in a small whisper

I was in disbelief

I got out of my seat taking my guava juice with me

"Milan, wait up" he said stopping me

"We're in this together no matter what. I don't know whats wrong with you and why you felt the need to run away but wherever you go I go." He said seriously

"Wow, I never imagined you as the close type" I said taking another sip of the guava juice

I walked away and found myself at a beach

"Milan, I want to know what you think?" He said holding my hand

"We gave us a try..... but I don't think we can continue!" I said looking into his eyes

"I know you don't mean that..." he said drifting off

"Maybe we just weren't meant to be together" I said knowing it hurt me inside

"Come on? That's complete bullshit! We both know that's a lie" I didn't say anything knowing he was right

"You can have whatever denial your going through right now, but no matter what we'll end up with each other. We need each other!" He said pulling me close making me drop my guava juice

That actually tasted so good

I knew for a fact I would make this bitch buy me another one, guava juice ain't cheap like that!

Cameron pulled out his phone and I could hear the makings of you playing

"May I have this dance my lady" he said bowing and sticking his hand out, I took it not minding at all

As we danced this reminded me of how I told him about my first pregnancy....

But everything was different now, it's not because i didn't wanna tell him and I was afraid for my own life, it was because I was afraid for my child's life

"You don't have to tell me what your thinking, I just wanna make sure your alright" he said looking into my eyes, I couldn't fake it anymore

I started crying in his arms not being able to hold it in anymore

" hey it's gonna be alright" I could hear him saying as he rubbed my back

"It's not, I don't want the same thing happening again! I want them to be safe" I was breaking down even wore

"I'm pregnant" I told him

" I know" he said pulling my head up so I could see his eyes

"I know how you feel, I promise I'll take care of you no matter what and that this child is gonna be safe. I won't let the past repeat itself" he said sure of it

I laid down on the sand and Cameron did the same, I rested my head on his chest and looked at the sunset over the horizon

I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep

Cameron's Pov

I looked over seeing Milan asleep and I lifted her up making my way towards my car I had here

When I found out that Milan was pregnant and I couldn't find her that scared the living shit out of me, I only knew because when I wanted to throw something out in the trash I saw the pregnancy test

I totally understand why she didn't want to tell me but there's more of a risk for her and this pregnancy if she goes unannounced

I put her in the passenger seat and head to mine, we'd be driving to my hotel so she'd be safe

As I drove I would sneak glaces at her from time to time, god she was beautiful

I still couldn't believe she was mine! If i could tell you one thing for certain it would be that I'd never let her go

Arriving at the hotel I took Milan out of her seat lifting her up and walking towards it

Nobody would be in the hotel but us, I had recently build it on this island and it wasn't suppose to open for another 2 weeks, construction had already finished 3 months ago so everything was safe

Bringing her to my sweet I laid her down on the bed placing a blanket over her

As I felt my phone vibrating I opened it

"Hello, Cameron speaking?" I made my way to the bathroom so Milan couldn't hear anything if she was daydreaming

"Cameron, I got insider that Vantos is out! He left us a message. We have a year...." i hanged the phone up in frustration

"SHIT!" I said throwing my phone causing it to break, if there was one thing for sure Milan couldn't know who Vantos was and that he was coming

That would ruin everything

I walked out of the bathroom not seeing her on the bed anymore, shit!

Milans pov

I explored the hotel walking through the halls, I hoped to god my kid would be safe.

But I thought about the bright side, I'd be having a family!

With Cameron and a mini me or mini him, who knows who'll she or him will look like

"Milan" I turned around to see Cameron coming towards my way slightly worried

"What were you doing?!" He said checking me to see if I was fine

"Nothing just walking around" I said stopping his hands from examining me

"You can't be doing this!" Cameron yelled

"Doing what?" I said crossing my arms

"Wondering away! Walking away when things get tough, you can't be doing this!" He said angry

"Don't you ever stop to think that you made me this way?!" I said questioning him, we both stayed silent

"Just forget it" i said walking away

"Milan, I'm sorry for everything, I'll  apologize a trillion times until I get this right! Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He said holding my hand

"I want a guava explosion....." I said 


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