Chapter 3

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Lucy's PoV
I could hear the sound of the electric brushes getting louder and louder as they got closer and closer to my sensitive body. Then both of them were placed on my armpits. "HAHAHAHA!" I screamed in ticklish torture.

He dug the brushes deep into the hollows so that every bristle was hitting the right spots. I tried to wiggle away but it only made it worse. Soon, he must've got bored as he took them away.

He began to brush them against my cold nipples, teasing them by only touching them with the very tips of the brushes. I bit my lip hard, suppressing the urge to moan. I didn't want to admit that he was turning me on.

After seeing that he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted, he trailed further and further down. With each movement across my skin, I began to giggle slightly but inside, I was dreading what would happen to me next.

Without much hesitation, he quickly forced one of the brushes deep into my bellybutton, making me pull on the restraints and wiggle around instinctively. Whilst doing this, he used the other brush to circle around my soft tummy, forcing me to laugh.

It took him a few minutes to move onto the worst and most sensitive part of my body. I knew what was coming (or should I say cumming😉) but I refused to acknowledge it as the very thought brought fear flooding through me.

As if reading my mind, my kidnapper decided to take his sweet time gliding the torture tools along my tummy and past the panty line. "Please... d-don't." I whispered between anxious giggles. I heard him suppress a laugh as he reached the point only just before my clit with one of his brushes.

Prior to this, I was shaking from head to toe, but now all movement had stopped. Whether it was because I knew the slightest shiver would bring me to my doom or because of the guilty anticipation I felt, I had no idea.

With one brush above the one dangerously close to my sensitive spot, he stayed like that for a few very long seconds. I felt drips of sweat from my forehead drop to the floor as I tried to keep very still.

Then suddenly, without warning, he lifted the toothbrush and placed it harshly onto my clit. I burst out moaning and screaming at the same time. I felt bruises form on my wrists and ankles as I tried to pull away but it was no use.

With his first brush occupied, he used the other brush to tease my private parts, gliding it gently along with no real purpose. When I thought it couldn't get any worse, he decided to go in a little deeper.

He began to turn the brush on my clit in circular motions as if cleaning it. I was panting and moaning now, humiliated yet pleasured in a way my brain couldn't comprehend.

A smile was still plastered to my face as I suppressed the need to laugh and replaced it with my screams for mercy. My heart beat rapidly and my screams started to echo against the walls as I reached my climax.

After I'd finished, he kept it there a few seconds longer as if testing my limit. When I started to thrash to the point where I was hurting myself against the restraints, he switched off the brushes.

I was shaking for a long time before he decided to take off the blindfold. He was smiling somewhat menacingly at me but I couldn't help but to feel somewhat grateful that he was done under my folds of anger and resentment towards him.

"So, are you ready to hear the rules?"

Sincere apologies for the late update, I've been busy with exams. Hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment any ideas you may have. Till next time😊

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