Part 2: THE CALL

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 As I lay in bed, face in my pillow, I realized that I should probably stop hoping. He was just a figment of my imagination, and nothing more. I’d probably never meet him, see him, and this was all a cruel joke my mind was playing on me. I remember reading a quote somewhere that said that humans used to be born with 4 arms, 4 legs, and two heads. But Zeus feared their power so he split them in half, condemning them to spend the rests of their lives searching for their other half, to complete them. 

            It sounds silly, but what if the man I kept seeing in my dreams was my other half? What if he was dreaming the same thing too? It’s so unlikely, but I can’t help but dream. I got out of bed, and headed to the bathroom to take a bath when I heard my phone ring. I picked up and was surprised to see it was my father calling me. I hadn’t heard from him in months since he started working for S.H.I.E.L.D. as an agent. “Hello?” I answered eager to hear his voice. “Hello Kathryn, it’s me – how are you?” “I’m well… I’m doing the same as always. How about you, Dad?” “I am alright sweetie. How’s New Mexico been treating you? Have you made any new friends?” “It’s nice. A good change from New York; a breath of fresh air.” “Oh okay. Well I called you to see how you were doing and to ask you something.” “Alright, what is it?” “I was talking to Coulson yesterday and he needs an anthropologist with a background or interest in Mythology to help him out with a case. I mentioned to him how you have a degrees in both, and he got interested in you working with him. S.H.I.E.L.D. set up a makeshift base near your town, so he thought you’d be perfect to help him out. What do you think? Would you like to help him? I think it’d be great for you.” 

            I hesitated at the thought of working with S.H.I.E.L.D. – would this be something I could do? It sounded interesting, but would it really benefit me? I thought it through, convincing myself that my dad knew what he was talking about, and that I might actually enjoy this. “Sure daddy. I’ll help him out. When do I need to be there? Do you know anything about the case?” “Ah, at a girl! This is wonderful! I’ll tell Coulson immediately. And yes, I do know a little bit, but I really don’t know much. According to Coulson, they found a hammer in the middle of an open field, and they thought it to replicate something from Norse mythology. I am honestly not sure what the fuss was about, but he said he needed someone who was very knowledgeable so I thought you’d be great.” “Oh, I see… Well that sounds interesting.” “Mhm. Well honey, I’ll get Coulson to give you a call ok? He’ll have the details on when to meet up, and where to go.” “Alright dad… I’ll talk to you later.” “Alright honey, take care.” 

            After hanging up I couldn’t help but thinking about what I just got myself into. What if I don’t know enough and I waste their time? Why do they need me for a stupid hammer? The only individual who had a hammer in Norse mythology that I could think of off the top of my head was Thor – and the thought of the hammer they found belonging to him sounded incredibly farfetched. 

            I headed to the bathroom and realized I had a lot of thinking to do while I was in the shower. Today was going to be an interesting day. 

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