Part 1

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A thousand years ago, human and witches were enemies. They killed each other that led to the bloodiest war called WAH War (Witch and Human War). In order to stop that, the witches and the human made peace treaty that human and witches would live in peace.

“I am Alexander Grimmor, Representative of the Association of Witches, and I am here to announce that we-the witches- agree to participate in this peace treaty!” declared Alex as he stood in the balcony of a high tower in the border of human country. He was a man around 20 years old with blonde hair and honey brown eyes.

“And I am Adam Darrack, Representative of human kind. I declared that we human also agree to participate in this peace treaty!” announced Adam, a man with black hair and eyes as black as the coal. As soon as it was announced, the citizens-human and witches- that surrounded the stadium cheered. They were waiting for this since a long time ago.  Seeing this, the two male smiled and shook hands.

“For a better future,” said Alex.

“For a better future,” repeated Adam.

“Ehm..,” interrupted Jeanifer, Adam’s secretary and his beloved wife.

“Oh yeah, sorry honey,” uttered Adam with a goofy smile in his face.

“Don’t ‘Honey’ me now!” exclaimed Jeanifer while playfully hitting his arm.

Adam grinned at his brown haired wife. “In order to bring peace into reality, there are several rules that must be obeyed by both human and witches. First, witches cannot use magic on human and human are banned from hunting witches. Second, rebellion against the government will be sentenced to death. Third, love relationship, economic relationship and political relationship between human and witches are allowed. The rest of the rule will be published later,” explained Adam.

Once again the crowd broke into cheers. Confetti decorated the clear sky. Suddenly, Alex was screaming. His body was on fire.  The guards immediately stood in front of Adam in his wife in a protective manner while the others tried to help Alex. They tried to extinguish the fire with magic water but failed. The magic fire was too strong for the guard’s level power. Alex accidently stumbled and fell down from the balcony. He landed in front of the crowd. The crowd fell silent until a scream was heard. A chaos ensued; people were running around trying to save themselves and some witches were trying to help to extinguish the fire using their wands. The emergency alarm rang late, making the people more frightened. The guards tried to quell the chaos but their endeavor wasn’t working.

“Call our reinforcement!” ordered a witch guard while trying to put out the fire with his magic. The other guard called for help. Adam and his wife were moved into a safer place that was guarded with witches and soldiers.
“Help me!” Alex screamed. He crawled with his broken legs trying to stop the fire with his magic. But when he read the spell a golden magic circle appeared under him.

“He can’t do his magic!” exclaimed a guard in panic.

“Someone just sealed his power. Unit B search for the culprit. He can’t be far yet,” ordered the human guard.

Suddenly, a giant purple magic circle appeared above the stadium. A great force of gravity forced them to their knees as Alex, who was still in fire, screamed painfully. A mysterious figure walked to Alex.

The figure wore a black cape with broken chain symbol on his back. The symbol was a green chain being cut by a bloody axe. The green chain symbolized the witches’ freedom and the bloody axe meant war.

So they wanted to make a war to free witches from the treaty to not use magic on human. His face was covered with a black veil leaving the mouth uncovered. Behind him were seven figures that wore the same cape but with different veils, on their arms was a bandage with a symbol. There are two symbols of  a bishop, two symbols of a rook, two symbols of a knight and a symbol of a queen. As the figures walked to burning Alex, the fire split into two and made a way for them to step. Apparently, the fire was controlled by the figure with the bishop symbol and the gravity magic was controlled by the one who wore the queen symbol.

“Look at this!” shouted the leader who wore the black veil.

“Your leader was lying helplessly under my mercy!” he yelled then laughed evilly.

“Stop this,” said Alex weakly as he was bearing the pain. Half of his skin was burned and blood pouring from his mouth. His legs were twisted in a painful way. The fire was still there but it wasn’t as big as before.

“Shut up!” snapped the leader. He put his foot on Alex’s head and hit him continuously and laughing with satisfaction at the same time.

“Look at you, so weak. Begging for mercy!” ordered the leader. Alex refused. With his remaining energy, he tried to get up but fail.

“I better die than beg to a sick person like you!”

“What did you say!?” the leader asked angrily as he stomped on his head harder and harder until blood began to pour from his head.

“Scum like you have no right to talk back to me!” he yelled between the stomps.

“Please stop,” whimpered a small girl who was on her knee because of the gravity magic. The leader stopped for a while, he glared at the frightened girl. He approached the girl and kneeled in front of her to touch her chubby cheek. A tear rolled down her face. People around them froze in fear. The mother of the girl was begging him to not harm her daughter.

“Please don’t hurt my daughter,” cried the mother as she put her forehead on the ground.

The shaking girl was seeking for help when the leader’s hand moved from her face into her messy strawberry blonde hair. He took a strand of her hair and brought it to his mouth and kissed it. Then he stood up and walked away from the girl. People sighed in relieved.
The little girl crawled to hug her mother. She embraced her daughter into her arms but suddenly blood spluttered into the mother’s arms.

People were screaming as they tried to run away but couldn’t due to the gravity magic that held them down. The mother stared in shock. In front of her, her daughter was stabbed in her heart from her back. She watched her daughter’s pained face and looked into her empty eyes. The sword was pulled out from her body as her now lifeless body fell onto the ground. The mother looked in horror and cried hysterically as she was hugging her daughter’s cold body. She was too focus on her daughter till she didn’t realize that the killer, who was wearing the knight symbol, walked near her and raised his sword.

The people tried to warn her but it didn’t affect her at all. She didn’t know it until it came. Her head was chopped off her body. She was surprised. The people around them closed their eyes, refusing to watch the public execution. The brown haired man had killed her ruthlessly.

The leader was laughing his head off. “Good job Jason,” praised the leader. The killer, which the leader called Jason, just nodded and went back to Alex’s dying body preparing to kill him. Out of blue, the leader stopped him. “Jason, that one is my kill. And Lyra, undo your fire spell!”

“Yes, Leader,” Lyra answered while Jason only nodded his head and stepped back from Alex’s body. The leader approached Alex. He swung his sword and stabbed Alex’s heart.

“I am Drevil, the leader of this group. Anybody who hates the treaty is welcome to join this group. We are going to burn this empty treaty down and anyone who tries to stop us will be erased, if you know what I mean. This leader that is standing in front of you will lead witches into prosperous era. Go! Fly to the corner of the world and spread this message. The true leader has come!” shouted the leader as his company cheered and clapped. The people stared alertly. They were aware of this group’s power and resisted to oppose them.

Abruptly, the reinforcement arrived. They surrounded the leader and his subordinates with many weapons and threatened to attack them if they didn’t give up. Drevil just smirked and said, “Well well well. Reinforcement? Never guessed that. You were threatening to attack us? First, let’s see if you can catch us!” he stated.

He stomped his leg and a lighting struck him. The light was blinding the people. When the light was gone, Drevil and his group were already gone.

They were shocked. Teleport magic was a rare magic. It was an ancient magic that was supposed to be extinct.

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