Heaven's Fallen | One: Italia

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My name is Amelia Rose McCain and my story begins here, on a plane, I'm on a plane heading to Italy with my father, my father got a job to rebuild a century-old vineyard and he accepted. Him accepting the job came unexpectedly and I was no way ready to move halfway across the world but knowing my dad. He loves being spontaneous so it's no surprise that he said yes. It has only been six hours since we got off the plane and already my father was making my experience in Italy a nightmare, but that is only because he came and cut my sleep short.

" Amelia Rose McCain are you still in bed? "

Dad says storming into my room, just like he did when we lived back in LA.

" Jet Lagged Dad. "

I say groggily.  I flipped over on my stomach, putting the pillow over my head to block out my father's voice. I wasn't ready to get up yet.

" Rose, get up its morning "

He says pulling my pillow away. Huffing out a breath of air I give in, sat up and looked at my Dad. Who clearly has laughter swimming in his eyes.

" Not funny Dad. "

I say throwing my feet over the side of the bed. Finally laughing out loud he says,

" Breakfast? "

I nod getting up and heading to the bathroom to take a warm shower and brush my teeth. Taking my time in the shower I let the warm water loosen up my still sleeping muscles after which I used my favourite body wash, brushed my teeth washed off got out of the shower dried and then got dressed. I wore jeans and t-shirt putting my hair in a high bun, it was still a little wet from my shower.

Walking down the hall and into the kitchen, I walked in smiling,

" What's for breakfast? "

I asked, hoping that he made something healthy for breakfast.

" For you, Tuna salad and for my eggs and bacon. "

Dad says smiling at my quick nod of approval.

As I sat he placed my breakfast in front of me, before taking a seat himself. After a few moments of silence,, he broke it by saying

" I'm going to check out the vineyard today so I can see what needs to be done, you can go sightseeing just be careful and keep your phone with you."

I nod, before getting up to pour him a glass of orange juice. Once I was seated again we ate in silence. My Dad and I are a lot alike, we only spoke when we needed to. If there is nothing to be said we say nothing. Dad raised me on his own, he did a pretty good job. My Dad was once a soldier, but he had to give all that up when Mom had an accident and died, we were both in that car but she died and I didn't. I was only a baby then, what I know is what Dad told me when I was old enough.


After breakfast, Dad left like he said he would and I was left alone in the apartment. I didn't know much of Itlay so if I were to go out I'd pretty much get lost, but that didn't stop me taking a map and my phone I headed out. On the street of Italy, there were so many different smells and sounds, vendors on every corner, vendors who sold bread and even cheese. The street had a different life, compared to the ones in LA. It too crowded. Doing what I always did in LA I found the alleyway it was easier to breathe, I was rounding the corner when something a huge bird flew over me and landed a few miles ahead. What I thought was a bird quickly changed the form, what once looked like a bird was now a man in front of me. Frozen to the spot I didn't move. I didn't know what to do, so I did the next best thing, I thought about all the self-defence moves that Dad thought me over the years. I was gonna use it if. I had to.

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