three weeks

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School blasted by, not much work. Just syllabus after syllabus along with rules for every classroom. And now you had your job. Working a part time job could've been cool if it was, a cute cafe or working with animals or something you enjoyed. Instead you were surrounded by grease and rude customers. The life of a part time fast food employee really did a number on you. You made some decent money for some decent work. So all and all it was worth it. It's not like you worked all the time either, your boss was fairly generous with the time off he gave you. It just became a little tiring was all. You entered the burger joint and went into one of the bathrooms tying up your hair leaving a few strands to frame your face. You swapped your outfit from earlier to the uniform you had neatly packed in your bag. The uniform was all black, it had the company's logo dead center all in red. After changing you grabbed your bag and eventually left after feeling prepared enough for the evening. You threw your bag to the small break room and came out to greet your other employees. You caught two of them whispering before turning to you.

"Did you hear about the new guy?" One gossiped.

"Heard he'd be getting here soon. He's working the same shift as us." The other one added.

"That's cool, who's training him?" You responded a bit curious and excited as well.

"You've been here the longest (Y/n), probably you."

"Oh yeah, well that'll be fun if I even re-"


You blinked hearing a new voice added to the mix, it was oddly familiar. You whipped around to see Kenny McCormick in his uniform. Without the usual orange attire, was this legit? The all black uniform fit him and his lean figure nicely, and seeing his ruffled blonde locks out in full force was nice. Not to mention his blue eyes that bored into your own with excitement. He was undeniably attractive and it seemed magnified in this state.

"Kenny, you're the new guy?" You asked walking over to him.

"Yeah, looks like you'll have to help me once again (Y/n)!" He replied sweetly.

Without a doubt you'd be training him,and at least it'd be more comfortable with the two of you knowing each other and all. Your other employees basically left it for you to do after introducing themselves to Kenny. Work went by a little slow since it wasn't the busiest day. And with that your shift ended along with Kenny's.

"You catch on pretty fast McCormick. What'd you think about your first day of work?" You asked walking out of the small restaurant.

"I think you're just that good at teaching me. Or maybe we are that good together." He replied. He was walking with you until he realized you were walking away from the parking lot.

"You don't have a car..?" He asked.

You rubbed the back of your neck a bit sheepishly before answering. "Yeah i kinda just walk sinc-"

"(Y/n) it's 11 o' clock. It's dark and cold out and you've been walking after work every night?"

"God you sound like Craig. But it's not that bad it's a little cold but nothing too crazy has happened."

"Guess I'm driving you home every night!"

"Kenny it's no big deal. You don't need to do th.." You suddenly lost your train of thought feeling a larger hand take hold of yours. Kenny was persistent, he led you all the way back to the lot holding your hand as if you were a child. The feeling of his hand engulfing yours was oddly comforting.

"Your hand is freezing." He grumbled reaching in his pocket for his keys and unlocking his truck. He had no embarrassment whatsoever when it came to just, grabbing your hand like that. You on the other hand, could feel the heat overwhelm your face. You were for sure red. Thankfully it was dark and it wasn't that noticeable or so you hoped. Kenny's hand let go of yours as he went on the other side and opened the door for you.

"You suddenly got quiet (Y/n). Did you catch feelings for me already~?" He teased ruffling your hair.

"Don't flatter yourself that much, it's only been a day." You huffed stepping into the truck slightly flustered.

He chuckled before closing the door and going into the passengers side. He put the key in starting up the truck before turning to his backpack. He dug around furiously before he popped out two brown gloves. They were his gloves, he tossed them towards you.

"You're hands actually felt like ice so you should put those on! Unless, you want me to warm you up instead."

"Please start driving." You groaned as you slipped the brown gloves on your fingers.

Training Kenny lasted for about three weeks and he really did vow to drive you even if he wasn't working he urged you to message him to pick you up. Working with Kenny was more fun then you at first depicted, he was your first actual friend at work. The two of you had lots of time to talk and get to know each other and you actually learned a lot about him. Working at the burger joint was actually his second job and he had another job that occupied his weekends. He did this in order to support himself and his family. He had a younger sister Karen that he cared for deeply. He actually had a semi serious relationship that lasted for a year and a half during sophomore year. He had a pretty good singing voice. And a lot more semi useless information you picked up from your nights working with him. You were around Kenny more than Craig and Wendy, which caused the playboy to have a special place in your heart very quickly.

"Hey (Y/n), are you listening to at all?" Craig asked a bit annoyed at your dazed state.

"Oh no, sorry." You replied with an apologetic look. Craig shook his head as he took a bite of his sandwich. You were currently sitting with him at lunch.

"What's wrong?" He asked, already reading you. Craig was too good at doing that to you, yet you could barely figure out what was going on with him.

"Have you seen Kenny at all?" You asked.

You didn't see him in any of the classes you two shared, and you also didn't see him at work last night. He would've at least a messaged you, or you at least thought he would've. You guys had become friends over the last three weeks.

"N-No way y-y-you got the hots for Kenny!" Tweek blurted out, causing you to choke on thin air.

"(Y/n) are you and Kenny-" Token started before Clyde interrupted him.

"No wonder you haven't complained about working yet!" Clyde gasped.

You ran a hand through your hair slightly frustrated. "I just wanted to know if I would have a ride to work from Kenny. You guys are too much."

"Y-You sounded pret-t-ty worried (Y/n)!" Tweek noted.

"Yeah like your his girlfriend or something." Craig added in agreement as the boys continued to bombard you.

And that's how the rest of your lunch went until the bell thankfully saved you from anymore of their relentlessly teasing. The rest of school went by pretty fast but you still couldn't throw away the awful feeling that something had happened to Kenny. Ever since he didn't show up to work last night you felt worried. You considered asking Stan, Kyle, or even Cartman but that would be a little weird considering that you never held a real conversation with any of them. Work went by fast but boring without Kenny. Maybe he had an emergency and you were just paranoid. If anything you'd see him the next day and just ask. He was probably just sick.

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