Chapter 1

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Rian hunched himself over in his navy blue hoodie, trying to make himself smaller so he could preserve body heat. This task was proven to be most difficult as icy, cold rain pounded on and around him. Rian's stomach grumbled and growling signaling his hunger. Rian leaned against a brick alley wall; he was trying not to shiver even though his hoodie, jeans and shoes were soaked through. Pushing himself off the wall, Rian shakily continued walking to find somewhere he could sleep that was at least out of the rain.


Rian was exhausted, cold, hungry, scared and all alone. He was walking, slowly, and carefully because he wasn't sure his legs would be able to hold up his weight much longer. And truth be told, just as he was painstakingly making his way down another alley, his knees started fold beneath him and he went down.

Rian sat down hard and leaned his back against the wall. He didn't even try to get up, he knew he didn't have the strength. His body trembled violently and he wrapped his arms around his knees, which he drew up to his chest. He rested his head down on top of his knees and resisted the urge to whimper. His stomach growled again and he vaguely realized it had been at least three days since he had last eaten anything.

Rian felt his body going numb and he moaned as he wondered how much longer he would be able to last.


Sorry, cliffhanger I know! Anyways, I hope you at least somewhat enjoyed my first chapter! And I shall be posting the next chapter soon, so look out for it! :D

 Rebecca xx 

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