Chapter One

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The first time Steve and Tony met, Steve was studying for his bar exam, hunched over a pile of books in the college library.

"Can I sit here?" A low voice asked, and Steve looked up, before looking right back down, instantly flustered, stuttering over his words as he tried to gather his thoughts.

"Uh yeah-yeah, whatever." He cleared a stack of books off and the other man set a big stack down.


Steve couldn't help stealing glances even as he tried to keep studying.

The newcomer was young, definitely younger than Steve's twenty five years. Maybe barely out of high school. Dressed all in black, knees showing through ripped denim, and a worn AC/D.C. shirt stretching across his shoulders.

He was gorgeous. Steve couldn't help wanting to stare. He was just...gorgeous. Clear skin, big eyes made more dramatic by eye liner. Dark hair that just barely started curling over his ears. Wiry muscles in his arms, and long legs. Just the beginning of a goatee around his mouth and chin. It was sexy in a scruffy, punk kid kind of way.

Steve was hooked instantly.

Unfortunately, the kid was also high as fuck and Steve could tell from clear across the table.

Those dark brown eyes were dilated so far they were almost black. The hand that traced sentences in the thick book was shaking and his lips were red from being bitten and licked.

Why he would come to the library high was beyond Steve, but instead of worrying about it, he just kept studying, glancing up every once in while when the other guy would shift and sigh.

"You want some water?" Steve handed him a bottle from his bag, a few minutes later, unable to ignore it any longer and the kid looked up in surprise.

"Uh yeah. Thank you." He drained it in almost one go, and smiled. "I'm Tony."


Tony's dark eyes drifted over broad shoulders, short blonde hair, blue eyes behind glasses, and thick arms. "Steve, you are the cutest thing in glasses I've ever seen."

Steve blushed but didn't look up, and when Tony licked his lips again, it was purely in interest.

Steve offered him a ride home, seeing as how there was no way the boy was driving anywhere in that state, and Tony accepted quickly.

"Thanks man. I probably would have just walked and this is a long way to walk. I appreciate the ride home."

'Home' was a giant brownstone on east end, and Steve looked at it with just a touch of awe.

"You gonna be okay walking up that driveway?"

"I'm fine." Tony laughed, a soft husky sound that made Steve's stomach tighten. "Just a little dizzy."

"Come on then."

With Steve's arm wrapped around his waist, they managed a slow walk up the driveway, Steve taking the kids keys and opening the door.

"I'm not a bad kid." The boy suddenly said. "Just... just kind of lost lately."

"We're all a little lost sometimes." Steve replied quietly, and let himself out.

The second time Steve saw Tony he was just walking down the street headed to the library after stepping out for bite of lunch.

He did a double take when he saw Tony out with a couple of teenagers, dressed in another all black ensemble, this time complete with fingerless gloves. A shorter brunette had his arms wrapped around a redhead not wearing near enough clothing, and a tall boy with a full sleeve tattooed down his left arm, his tank top not hiding any of the muscles across his back, was leaning over Tony, who was pressed against a building, a hand on the kids chest.

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