Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters used in this story, all recognizable names, locations, and characters are property of the wonderful JK Rowling, who was lovely enough to bless us with the Harry Potter books to become obsessed with as I have.

Summary: AU fifth year. What if, in their Occlumency lessons, Professor Snape saw some memories that Harry didn't want anyone to see? Rated T for abuse, mild language, and mentions of non-consensual sexual contact. OOC Snape, since he's kind to Harry, and a bit OOC Harry, he's a lot more mature in this story than he is in the books. This fic is very sappy, and involves a lot of emotions and crying, so if you do not like those kind of fics, this won't be your kind of story.


Unwanted Memories


Chapter 1

"Legilimens!" Snape yelled, his wand pointed at Harry for the umpteenth time that evening.

Instantly, Harry was thrust into his memories. He was in Umbridge's office, slicing his hand open repeatedly with her special quill; he was cooking breakfast for the Dursleys; he was weeding their garden, in desperate need of a drink of water; he was watching out Dudley open Christmas present after Christmas present through the vent in his cupboard door; he was literally being thrown into his cupboard by his Uncle Vernon after he asked for a bit of food; he was being hit repeatedly by Uncle Vernon's belt, pleading the whole time with his uncle to stop, that he would stop being a freak; he was being thrown onto the hallway floor and kicked in the ribs before his Uncle Vernon leaned down and started unzipping his pants...

"NO!" Harry screamed, using every ounce of will power he had to push Snape out of his mind. Snape was thrown off his feet and into the wall, but he didn't even seem to notice. He was staring at Harry with unabashed confusion, with underlying rage.

Harry couldn't take it, he fled toward the door. Snape, however, had no intention of letting Harry leave after seeing that memory, so he lifted his arm (thankfully he hadn't dropped his wand during his flight across the room) and shot a locking spell at the door that couldn't be overrode by a simple Alohomora.

Harry, predictable as ever, wiped out his wand and screamed "ALOHOMORA!" at the door. He then frantically turned and yanked at the door handle before dropping his hand and turning around slowly, defeat in his eyes.

Snape watched all this from the floor, still barely registering that Harry had thrown him across the room by sheer willpower. Once Harry turned around, however, Snape realized he was still on the floor, staring at Harry. He picked himself up and brushed dust off of his robes, feeling the bump on the back of his head where he had hit the wall.

"Sorry for throwing you across the room, Professor. I didn't mean to. Are you alright?" Harry asked, with a note of, surprisingly, concern in his eyes.

"I'm alright, Harry. Just a bump. Care to explain to me about those memories? All of them?" Snape replied, inwardly cursing himself for the lack of malice in his voice, as well as his unconscious use of Harry's first name.

Harry, observant as always, though Snape didn't think so, noticed the lack of hatred and sarcasm in Snape's voice, as well as his use of Harry's given name.

"No, I'd prefer not to actually, Professor." Harry answered.

"You don't have an option." Snape replied. Usually, a statement like this would be accompanied by his iconic sneer, as well as a good bout of sarcasm, but both of those were still lacking from Snape's face and voice, and he still had a confused expression, instead of an angry one.

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