Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters used in this story, all recognizable names, locations, and characters are property of the wonderful JK Rowling, who was lovely enough to bless us with the Harry Potter books to become obsessed with as I have. (The italics at the beginning of the story are quoted from Order of the Phoenix. My story starts when the italics end, but they were necessary to set up the plotline.)

Summary: AU fifth-year. After McGonagall takes point from Harry for getting yet another week's worth of detentions in the second week of school, she overhears him say "She's taken points off Gryffindor because I'm getting my hand sliced open every night!" and questions him about it. Harry's a bit OOC. Complete.


Blood Quill


Chapter 1


"Miss Johnson, how dare you make such a racket in the Great Hall! Five points from Gryffindor!"

"But Professor — he's gone and landed himself in detention again —"

"What's this, Potter?" said Professor McGonagall sharply, rounding on Harry. "Detention? From whom?"

"From Professor Umbridge," muttered Harry, not meeting Professor McGonagall's beady, square-framed eyes.

"Are you telling me," she said, lowering her voice so that the group of curious Ravenclaws behind them could not hear, "that after the warning I gave you last Monday you lost your temper in Professor Umbridge's class again?"

"Yes," Harry muttered, speaking to the floor.

"Potter, you must get a grip on yourself! You are heading for serious trouble! Another five points from Gryffindor!"

"But — what? Professor, no!" Harry said, furious at this injustice. "I'm already being punished by her, why do you have to take points as well?"

"Because detentions do not appear to have any effect on you whatsoever!" said Professor McGonagall tartly. "No, not another word of complaint, Potter! And as for you, Miss Johnson, you will confine your shouting matches to the Quidditch pitch in future or risk losing the team Captaincy!"

She strode back toward the staff table. Angelina gave Harry a look of deepest disgust and stalked away, upon which Harry flung himself onto the bench beside Ron, fuming.

"She's taken points off Gryffindor because I'm having my hand sliced open every night! How is that fair, how?"

"What did you just say Potter?" McGonagall whipped around, her eyes ablaze.

"I said many different things, Professor. To which are you referring to?" Harry asked, sarcasm dripping from his words.

McGonagall's eyes narrowed, then swiftly glanced down at Harry's hand, but the sleeve of his robe was covering it. "My office. Now."

"But what about my classes, Professor?" Harry asked.

"You will be excused." McGonagall replied curtly. She then turned swiftly and marched out of the Great Hall, Harry in her wake. He shot a worried look over his shoulder at Ron and Hermione before making his way out of the hall.

Once Harry entered her office, McGonagall shot a spell at the door, causing it to slam shut and lock.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, Potter. Explain what you meant by that statement in the Great Hall." McGonagall snapped. She was standing behind her desk with her arms crossed. She looked very stern indeed.

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