What they love about you

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>Your body
>Your kindness
>When you help him when he most needs it
>Calming him down
>Caring for his troubles
>"I will never leave your side Josh."

>Your need of pleasure
>Sticking with him
>Second chances
>When you're jealous
>Your mood swings
>When you pout
>"I can't believe you right now!"

>When you hold him tight
>Helping you fall asleep
>When you kiss his cheek
>How you make him smile
>When you bond
>"Oh that's awesome!!"

>When you text him late at night so he can comfort you
>Your smile
>Your personality
>When you hold his hand
>When you get friskY
>"Oh hell yeah."

>When you do her hair
>When you do activities with her
>Going on walks with you
>Long conversations
>When your face lights up

>When you help her with clothes
>When you give her small gifts
>Your advice
>Your protectiveness
>When you call her your bean
>"Oh stop it.." she giggled)

>When you tease her
>When you kiss her neck
>Your dancing
>When you're both wasted and party
>Your beauty
>"You're so pretty.."

>When you help her
>You keeping her safe from harm
>You let her do your makeup
>Gets excited to help you dress up
>Your cooking
>When you hug her close
>"Come help me babe!"

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