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Jesse lay there on her bed, occasionally sighing. She had hoped that something interesting might happen, but it was silent. No calls from her friends, saying, "There's trouble here!" or "We need help!"
It was just... quiet. Sometimes, it was good that way. But sometimes, it wasn't. At times, she felt like Petra; she wanted action, or at least something to do to get herself moving.
There was a knock at her trapdoor. Jesse sat up. Not necessarily caring who it was, she called, "Come in." The door opened. She lie back on her bed without looking who it was.
"Hey Jess," said a familiar voice. She then knew who it was. It was Lukas. "Hi Lukas.." she replied. "What has you so down?"
Jesse exhales deeply. "There's just nothing to do. I have to sit here, but also work. But it's nothing incredibly interesting."
"Well," Lukas starts, "Do you wanna maybe talk a walk with me then?" Jesse sits up at the request. She smiles. "Sure."
Jesse slides off the bed, and climbs down the ladder with Lukas.
They talk a walk through the woods. Jesse feels a little uncomfortable walking with Lukas. She did have feeling for him since the Witherstorm was defeated. That gave her something to be proud of... other than Reuben. She thought that being a hero could give her something she wanted: love. Ever since Reuben was lost, she wanted someone by her side to keep her from breaking down. They walked in silence for a while.
The moon began to rise, as monsters began to spawn. Skeletons shot their arrows at them. Jesse was hit a few times. Nothing she couldn't handle though. A creeper had crept up behind her. "Jesse look out!" Lukas warned before running behind her to slash it with his sword. It disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
"Maybe talking a walk in the dark wasn't the best idea," Lukas jokes. "Nothing we can't handle though," Jesse called back.
Jesse turned to find a zombie moaning behind her. She thrusted the sword through it. It then disappeared like the creeper.
"Alright let's head-" Lukas starts before being impaled by a sword. "LUKAS!" Jesse cries.
When the sword get pulled back, Lukas drops to the ground. Aiden appears behind him, the sword pointed down. Jesse looks up at him with tears in her eyes.
Suddenly, anger fill within her, making her draw her sword. She thrusts it forward, and Aiden dives left. Jesse raises her sword again and swings it down. Aiden drops his sword. Jesse watches as the color in his eyes becomes dull. She looks back at Lukas, hardly breathing still.
Jesse kneels down beside him. She picks him up. "No... Jesse..." Lukas groans. She ignores him as she walks in the woods back to her home. Once she gets home, she lies him on the couch. Jesse lets a tear fall down her face.
She goes off to find bandages. Lukas stops her. "Lukas, please I need to help you!" He shakes his head. "Don't waste anything on me... you can't... fix this Jess..."
   Jess begins crying. "Lukas! Please!" Lukas doesn't answer. His eyes begin to close. "No! Lukas!" Jess screams. "I... love you Jess... I always have..." Lukas says weakly. Jess continues crying. She leans over him. "I love you too..." She leans down and kisses him before he goes. Lukas had enough energy to kiss her back. Jess felt his head drop. Jess sobbed on the floor... She had finally kissed the love of her life, but never again... can she do it anymore.

Sorry for the sad ending.

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