Chapter One

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  "Master Bruce you have a visitor" said Alfred Pennyworth.
"Who is it Alfred?" Bruce replied.
"Come and see Sir"
Bruce came down the stairs to see Talia Al Ghul standing in the doorway with Alfred. She looked tense to say the least.
"What do you want Talia?" Snapped Bruce.
"I need your help my love. Deathstoke has killed my father. And I plan on getting my revenge but I cannot go anywhere as of right now with the children."
"Children??" Bruce exclaimed.
"Yes my love. Our children. Four girls to be exact. My father wanted the perfect heir so I drugged you, seduced you and took your seed to help me create the perfect heir. Father would have preferred a male but we were unable to create one. Who would have guessed that "The Batman" could only create females? Anyway I need you to take them while I hunt Deathstroke and kill him for what he has done."
"Talia you expect me to believe that I have four children and don't even know about it?" Bruce asked in disbelief
"Yes" she replied curtly
"Where are they?"
"Just outside my love. Would you like to meet them? I'm sure they'd love to finally meet their father."
"Yes let's meet them." Bruce said whole nodding.
Bruce, Alfred and Talia made their way out of the door and down the steps where you could see for girls standing by a car.
"Girls stand in line and introduce yourselves oldest to youngest" Talia ordered.
"Damia age 17"
"Tamber age 14"
"Jasmine age 11"
"Roxanne age 8. Are you our dad?" Asked the smallest girl.
"If what your mother has told me is true, then yes." Bruce said politely to the small and adorable young girl.
"Master Bruce they look just like your mother." Said Alfred on the verge of tears
"Yes they all resemble Martha except for Damia, she looks just like Bruce as a girl." Talia chuckled. "Well I best be off. Girls behave for your father. I will be back once Deathstroke is dead." Talia then stepped into her vehicle and sped off down the path of Wayne Manor.
"So you're Batman right?" Blurted Tamber

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