Chapter Two

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"So you're Batman right?" Blurted Tamber
Bruce sighed "Let's talk about this inside the manor. Alfred would you please set up a room for each of the girls? I'm not sure how long they'll be staying with us."
"Right away sir." Alfred nodded. "Follow me young Mistresses. Do you have any luggage you have brought with you?"
All the girls shook their heads. "Mom said you were loaded and would buy us clothes." Jasmine laughed out.
"I guess we'll have to make a trip to the mall tomorrow morning after breakfast to get you all some clothes. But for now we'll head down to the Batcave while Alfred sets your rooms up and prepares dinner." Bruce explained.
The five of them headed to the study and Bruce opened the secret door in the grandfather clock that leads to the cave. Once in the Batcave Bruce expected the girls to be in awe of it but they all looked rather unimpressed with it.
"All it's missing is a Lazarus Pit and it could be home." Said Damia bluntly
  Bruce was baffled. How were these girls being raised? He was starting to get a better look at them. They all have black hair like Bruce but they all have different color eyes. Damia's eyes are a teal blue, a nice mix between his own blue and Talias green ones. Tamber's eyes are a beautiful sky blue like Bruce's mothers. Jasmine's look just like Thomas Wayne's, Slate blue with a troublemakers twinkle in them. Lastly Roxane's, Bruce was in disbelief at how bright blue her eyes are. Like someone look sapphires and put them where her eyes are. All of the girls have a lean and muscular build to them, indicating years of rigorous training. All of the girls started wandering around looking at everything that the Batcave has to offer. Jasmine went immediately to the Bat Mobile, inspecting it like she was trying to take it apart with her eyes. Damia went to the case with the Batman suit in it.
"You actually wear this? It seems very impractical. Heavy and the cape is much too long Father." Damia said.
"I fight in in just fine thank you." Snapped Bruce defensively.
Bruce has lost sight of Tamber and Roxanne. He whipped his head around in search of them. He noticed Tamber in his chair at the Bat Computer, trying (and succeeding) to hack into the Justice Leagues main frame.
"What are you doing?"
"Hacking your systems again" Tamber said nonchalantly
"Again? How many times have you done it before?"
"I've lost count honestly. It used to be a test from mother but you guys never noticed and never updated your security or firewalls. It's not hard to hack and I don't understand how any of you super hero's keep your identities a secret. If you want I can update it for you..."
"Tam you're such a fucking nerd. He doesn't want you in his seat let alone "fixing" his systems. Can't you see he's mad at you? Oh wait you lack "people skills" as mother puts it" Mocked Jasmine using an excessive amount of air quotes.
  "Jas you don't have to be mean to me. I was only trying to help." Tam said in a quiet tone.
  "Where is the little one? Roxy? Roxanne! Where'd she go?" Bruce said interrupting the two bickering girls.
"Look up." Damia stated.
  Bruce looked up to see Roxanne in the rafters covering her ears with her hands.
  "Roxanne get down here and stop being such a child. The two dumbasses weren't even yelling." Damia yelled.
  "I don't like it when they argue Dami." She whispered.
  "Roxanne will you please come down here?" Bruce asked kindly. Roxanne shook her head furiously. "Please. I wish to speak to the four of you."
"I don't wanna!" She yelled
"Don't make me come up there Roxy! I'll kick your ass if you don't behave. Mother told us to listen to father." Damia yelled at the cowering girl.
Roxanne wiped a tear from her eye standing up on the rafter and proceeded to jump of do a front flip and land in a crouch in front of Bruce. "I just wanna go home." She said with tears in her eyes.
"Right now this is your home." Bruce stated. He reached down to pat Roxanne on the head and she flinched violently. His hand stopped abruptly as he stared in shock. Did she think she was going to be beaten for not listening? He crouched down to her level. Her eyes clenched shut tightly head towards the floor her fists balled straight at her sides. "Roxy I would never hurt you. I wasn't going to hit you I was going to pat you on the head as a form of affection. Look at me sweetie." She slowly opened her eyes looking into Bruce's eyes. "Why did you think I was going to hit you?"
"Mother doesn't allow us to show weakness of any kind. I thought I was going to be punished for insubordination." She said in a low voice.
"Mother only expects the best from the Al Ghul heirs. We were born to lead the league. We are to be as strong as possible and push our limits until we can no longer become any stronger. Roxanne is weak. She refuses to fight. To kill. To be the perfect heir. She's no better than scum in grandfathers eyes." Damia said her voice full of malice.
"You are trained to kill? How many people have you killed?" Bruce growled using his Batman voice. Roxy flinched back out of his reach.
"Too many to count. They were all disposable league members. If they could not beat children they did not deserve to live." Damia said
"Damn Dami. Way to be blunt. But she's right daddio. Dami's done a lot more than me and Tam and the runt refuses to kill. Says it's immoral. But hey! We were born and raised to be assassins and that's what we're gonna do." Jasmine said loudly.
"That's not how it works. You can't just kill people. Murder doesn't solve problems, it causes them. If you are to stay here you must obey that rule." Bruce demanded.
As Bruce was yelling at the three older girls the zeta beams lit up and announced the arrival of Superman. "Bruce we have a.....Who are they?" He asked,confused.
"Girls go upstairs right now. Listen to anything Alfred tells you to do. And don't be rude. I will be up in a few minutes to finish this...discussion..."
"Who are they?" Clark asked again after hearing the elevator reach the upper level.
"Not right now Clark. What's so big is an issue that you showed up unannounced!?" He barked.
" see..." Clark rubbed the back of his head.
"Get to the fucking point Clark! I don't have all day. I have more pressing matters to attend to!"
"Ras Al Ghul is dead!" He yelled "Geez. No need to be impatient. We received a message to the Watchtower from Deathstroke saying "The Demon is dead. The Justice League is next" we could really use your help at the Watchtower Bruce."
  "Someone else has Deathstroke under control right now. I can't help anyway I'm busy." He explained cryptically
  "Does this have to do with those girls Bruce? Who are they and why were they in the cave?" Clark questioned.
  "According to Talia, they are my daughters. And before you interrupt me yes I believe her. I vaguely remember the night it happened..." He cringed.
"What do you mean you vaguely remember? What happened? You weren't..." Clark realized, shock prevalent on his face.
"I don't want to talk about it." Bruce growled.
"How did you not know about them Bruce? The oldest looked to be almost 18?" Clark exclaimed.
"The League of Assassins has advanced tech because of their access to the Lazarus Pit. They probably put them through experiments to age them quicker. Talia seemed mad that none of them were boys thought. If I can I'm going to try and keep Talia from getting them back so I can retrain them to not kill. They are all potentially great hero's. Especially Roxanne. She detests the idea of killing. I'll start with her and hope she can get through to the others."
  "I hope you're right about this Bruce. Children are a lot of responsibility. Especially assassin children."
  Bruce raised one eyebrow at Clark. "Really? How's Conner then?" He questioned.
  Clark's face turned bright red at the question. "Shut up. He has nothing to do with this."
  "Oh really? He's a child with your DNA. Why do you hate him and care about Jon? Is it because he was created without your knowledge or consent? Just like the girls. So unless you want to magically start caring about Conner, don't question my motives with my children."
  "Don't bring Jon into this either. Jon is actually my child. Conner is a clone Bruce. I didn't want him or ask for him. He seems just fine without me anyway."
  "Didn't want him or ask for him?? How would he feel if he heard you say that? He looks up to you and tries his best to be just like you, despite how he was programmed. I'm going to do my damndest to get these girls to do what Conner has." Bruce practically yelled.
  "Fine Bruce. Whatever. This is all going to backfire on you. You can't retrain assassins. I'm heading back to the Watchtower and I'm telling the rest of the League about your new children."
  "Do what you want Clark. I taking a short leave from the League to test the girls. I will still check in on the team at the mountain though. And I'll be having a conversation with Conner about how you feel towards him. Hopefully he won't need too much counseling with Black Canary."
  "Screw you Bruce." Clark then walked through the Zeta Beam
  Bruce sighed and rubbed his face in exasperation "Well fuck."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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