Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey I'm back x It's been awhile. I've been busy with my revisions and stuff for my finals :/

I had to rewrite this because the update had disappeared as I was about to publish it. Sigh.

Anyways sorry for the last note.
Thank you for all those lovely comments. I'm surprise that people actually appreciates my writing. You guys are simply amazing and sweet. <3

That has really motivate me to continue writing.

I dedicate this chapter like every other to my beautiful readers.

Chapter 14

"You look beautiful. I love the dress" My mum says as she took my hand and warmly put it on hers.

"Thank you" I glance at my purple chiffon halter neck dress. Kate has really good taste.

"My baby is finally graduating" she says as she wipe away her tears of joy.

"Mum" I said as I gave her a warm hug.

"Come on sweetheart. We need to go" My dad called out from downstairs.

"Relax, Dad we still have half an hour."

"Sorry sweetie, I'm just excited. Is Luke coming to join us?" He asked.

"He's meeting us there at the ceremony"

"Okay then. One more thing Alexa"

"Yes dad?" I asked.

"I'm so proud of you" Dad says as he embrace me into a hug.

"Thanks" I start to feel the tears swelling up in my eyes as we hug. It's been years.

"Don't cry sweetie. You are going to ruin that beautiful face of yours." Dad says jokingly as he wiped the tears on my cheeks.

Dad pulls his car into the car park. I looked through the window nervously watching the stream of humanity in black and green gowns heading towards the auditorium.

"Good luck, Alexa. You seem nervous. It will be alright dear" My mum says soothingly.

"Its such a big day for me" I whispered, trying to calm my nerves down.

Mum and dad had gone to sit with the other parents in the tiered seating, while I make my way to my seat. I sat down among the other students whose surnames also begins with 'W'. There is no one on the stage yet.

"Alexa" I heard someone called my name. I turned around to see Michael all dressed up in his set of black gown and cap.

"Wow you look different" I said.

"I look ridiculous" He says pouting making me laugh.

"Anyways, Luke's up there with your parents" Michael says pointing at Luke who is sitting by my parents at the back row.

I gave him a wave and he waves back.

"I came to say good luck. I need to go off now and sit at my seat"

"Okay then bye Michael. Good luck to you too"

I sit and wait as the auditorium begin to fill in quickly and the sound of chattering get louder and louder.

The chancellor appears from backstage followed by the three other vice chancellors and then the seniors professors. We stand and applaud for all the teaching staff.

I could tell that a few of the professors was already beginning to look bored while the others nod and wave.

Last to the stage to joined us for the ceremony is the guest of honor who is an intellectual businessman who had been providing funds to the school.

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