Chapter 3

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Louis P.O.V

After yesterday Charlee won’t talk to me, I am so pissed off I stole a knife from lunch room, the sharpest one I could find though I wouldn’t say stole I took it in front of them, but I know one will stop me.

I was lying in bed screaming in pain crying so much, I couldn't see what was happening around me, just  what I was guessing , Charlee walked in pretty much silently. She walked to the first aid cupboard,  I  guess she saw the blood and heard the screams. Everyone in here knows I have a cutting problem and will stab someone it they try to stop me, there is nothing, I mean nothing that they can do that’s why I’m in here and maybe that’s why. I think girls that cut are cute because I relate to how they feel, well sort of, most girls cut because it’s fun. They don’t really cut for a reason, well some girls do and I have as feeling this girl does. There’s something dug down really deep inside,  and I was determined to know.

Charlee walked over to me, holding the first aid kit in her hands, sitting on the bed beside me. She lifts up my arm and her eyes go wide.

“Why, Why Louis?” She asks me, looking me in the eyes tracing her pointer finger over the cuts.

“I, I just. I can’t say” I reply. I can’t tell her, it would break our friendship. Make her hate me.

“Please, I want to know” She opens the kit and pulls out some cream and a bandage. Slowly wiping the cream onto the new cuts.

“I don’t want to, it would make me feel like an idiot” I reply, watching the beautiful girl as she wraps the bandage around my wrists. I cringe at the feeling of the cream fading into the cuts, making them scab.

“I would never think of you as an idiot” She says, kissing my cheek.

“Yes, you would, I was just,”

“Tell me Louis” She buts in. “I just want to know”

“I was just pissed off, at one of my best friends” I reply. Regretting my half lie. The first part was true. Not the last.

“Oh, what did he do?” She takes my hand, kissing it gently.

“N-Nothing” I am not going to tell her anything else. She keeps asking and asking me different questions for about five minutes.

“Ok! Fine! If I tell you would you stop asking me questions?” I say, glaring at her. She is getting on my nerves. But she is so cute its almost impossible.

“I thought that you were ignoring me because you weren’t talking to me” I say, facing the floor.

“I was just getting ready for class, Lou. I wasn’t ignoring you” She kisses me on the cheek, I smile at her.

“Ok, good, But you would never leave right babe”

“Umm well I have only known you for what, three days? I can’t really promise anything but I would like to think I am with you forever” she says nearly in tears.

Don’t cry…Don’t cry…please don’t cry don’t be a pussy, well that I was officially a pussy.

“Please don’t leave my Char please, please don’t leave me” I said in tears, feeling the first tear stream down my face.

“Woah, Woah! I never said that, I just said I can’t promise anything “ she  said shocked in the fact I thought she was leaving me.

“I know it’s only been three days but I can’t imagine losing you,” I say, frowning at the thought. She looks at me, smiling.

“Same here, Lou” She says looking at me. I wish she was my girlfriend, I would care for her and she could help with my addiction.

“That’s great, maybe we could think of something later on. But now I want to sleep” I say, kissing her cheek. I lay down in my bed and close my eyes, thinking of the conversation earlier. I really hope something can happen between Char and I.

Charlee’s P.O.V

“That’s great, maybe we can think of something later on. But now I want to sleep” Louis looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes, clearing out tears. I really hope so, I really like him. And he is a really good kisser, but why on earth did Bell decide to throw milk on us? One of her ‘weird sex jokes’ I guess. It was pretty funny though.

Bella’s P.O.V

I’m standing outside Louis and Chars room, waiting to hear those kissing sounds, wait they aren’t  very loud. Dam. I clutch the milk carton in my hands, slowly opening the door. Then I hear talking, it sounds serious. I might leave it alone, just for tonight though. Tommorow night they are gonna get it. I laugh lightly. I’m going to take, SOUR milk tomorrow, it will look more like it’s meant to be, what time is it? I take out my new iPhone 5 and see it’s 11:00pm, shit. The security guards start coming out now. I hear footsteps walking towards me, I quickly open the sour milk bottle and get ready to shoot. I fill up my water gun, yeah I have one. It was a new surprise. I hide behind the bin and get ready to shoot. I see the shadow of the person and come out of my hiding spot, shooting just high enough to get the ‘persons’ face, it could be an alien, what do you know! I hear a yell and then I see the mans jacket. Shit. Security.

I quickly drop the water gun ad run down to my dorm, opening the door and locking it quietly. I jump into bed laughing, thinking about the events that just happened and slowly dropped into sleep.

Quick shout out to my best friend


 for helping me write this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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