Chapter 8

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Conan went to the base of the BO wearing his Cognac suit

This was the 1st part of the plan
What he needs to do is go back to the base of the B.O

Nobody in their believed that he was the true Cognac so he proved it by defeating Gin in hand to hand

He then went to the Boss office

The Boss: "So you back Cognac"
Cognac: "Yes I am"
The Boss: "I need you to prove me that your still loyal to us"
Cognac: "What do I need to do?"
The Boss: "Bring back the traitor Sherry"

Cognac was holding his anger but obeyed they needed it

Cognac: "I will"

Then he went to a apartment and brought Haibara back to B.O with a blindfold

This was the 2nd part of the plan bourbon, kir and vermouth is undercover in the B.O they said when
Cognac is back he will want to bring back Sherry. Then what they needed to do was Mary disguise as Haibara.

After then he laid her in front of the Boss and Gin, he was beside her. Bourbon and Kir was outside while Vermouth was guarding the door

Before Gin could speak sirens surrounded the hideout. Vodka then entered
Vodka: "IT'S THE FBI"

Then Gunshots was heard

The Boss: "How did they found us"

Then Mary stand up and pointed 2 guns at The Boss and Gin, while Cognac pointed a gun at Vodka and we started firing. They also fired back hitting Cognac on the arm and hitting Mary on her thigh.

The Boss: "So you were also a traitor Cognac!"
Gin: "Sherry you were never a good shooter"

Mary then removed her mask revealing who she was

The Boss and Gin froze for a bit before moving this was what Mary needed she shot the legs of Gin and The Boss to Immobilez them. Cognac shot Vodka straight in the head. Making Gin angry he stand up and ran while limping Cognac quickly followed Gin while Mary bind The Boss. Using what Hakase gave Cognac, it was a bind that can put the person you want to bind to sleep.

Gin Shouted

Gin: "If I'm going down I'm taking you with me"
Cognac: " We'll see about that"
"Right now he should after the detonator"

Vermouth if things gets messy inside the base Gin or The Boss will be pressing a detonator to blow up the whole base we need to stop him before he reached it and it is located at the basement

Cognac followed Gin into the basement before Gin could press it Cognac shot him on his other feet making him no longer able to stand.

But Gin was smirking 'He lured me in here!' Cognac thought, then he saw Gin press a button inside his jacket then the building slowly collapse he shot Gin was last time and this it was in the head then he ran upwards. He went to the fist floor to see the exit was blocked with fire. Even the second floor then he went to third floor and saw the glass was about to break then he shot the glass and jump through it.

The others was able to escape

Bourbon and Kir help the FBI to get out in and out
Vermouth was able to get the files
Mary was able to get the boss and noticed Conan was not with them

Mary: "Where's Conan!" She shouted

The others started looking around and saw someone jumping out from the 3rd floor they quickly rushed to see it's Conan barely breathing but still conscious

"Quickly call an ambulance!" Bourbon shouted

The ambulance quickly came and rush him towards a hospital.

Inside the ambulance he told Yukiko and Yusuke to only tell Heiji and Hakase to where he is.

Conan: "Tell only to Heiji and Hakase, about this. Tell them don't bring anyone else..."

After that Conan pass out
Conan immediately was put through the emergency room. He was there for sometime then the Doctor came out

Yukiko: "How is he" she asked with a teary eyes"
Doctor: "Don't worry ma'am he's okay but we don't know when he will wake up"
Yukiko and Yusuke was glad with the news but couldn't shrugged off the feeling of being worried

Yukiko and Yusuke told them that Conan told them to do, they told Hakase and Heiji at first they were shock from the news and they agreed to keep it a secret.

Hakase though he was tempted to tell Haibara about it.

While in the base, the formula was complete they were being made in the FBI from Conan's order to only made 3 then destroy the formula and erase it.

A week later that's what the FBI did they were able to create 3 antidote of the APTX 4869 the they destroy the formula and erased the data.

Another week later Mary was discharged from the hospital she rest at home and won't tell her daughter Sera anything she keeps saying the "time will come I will explain it"

After that Sera stop questioning her.

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