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Hello peeps I'm back hehe yup ik I'm awkward so um I feel sad and um I don't know y so it's weird for me then again I almost always feel upset so yea but I guess I should tell y'all that I think I lost my closest friends here's why I think that well we talked up until last Friday and then after they stopped and we always talk but also I've seen that they I guess been ignoring me and I have things to tell them but I don't wanna message them bcuz I feel like they'll get mad or I might bother them but tbh it might just be stupid or something idk I need advice u guys ok well recently I have been dreaming of kids from school specifically these two main ones and both I'm friends and with one ppl think we like each other and I just want to know what you guys think it means cuz I think I might be thinking of them a bit more idk so yea anyways tho my bday coming so that's great ┌(・。・)┘♪
So I guess that's cool but not really cuz I'm just closer to death so that's that乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ srry if I'm bothering u guys with all the faces idk I just like 'em so yea. I decided that I'll give u guys a fun fact and I'll do a signature so yea

Fun fact:
My fav color is blue and when I was younger I thought that the colors would like"date" and one couple was pink and yellow and if purple was there I'd get mad 😂

Ugh I'm cringing I was and still am weird lol
Bye baby thots
Luv, ur bitch😝🤧

I Rant About Anything So Yea That's Shit 🤠🤦Where stories live. Discover now