Episode 5 continued

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(Same format as wit)
I widened my eyes

Yoongi: What?
Stop talking nonsense

Y/N: I'm serious Yoongi
I need you right now

Yoongi: Shit

I say under my breath
That guy gave her ecstasy
Now she's fucking horny
This is just great

Y/N: Yoongi

She groans again

Y/N: Can you touch me please?
I need it bad
Really bad

Fuck fuck fuck fuck
She's already so fucking hot saying my name like that and now she's asking me to touch her?
Get a hold of yourself Yoongi!
You have Soojin

Yoongi: No Y/N
You should sleep

Y/N: But I'm not tired

Yoongi: I don't care, you're not yourself right now

Y/N: But Yoongiiiiiiiii-

Yoongi: Shhhhhhh

I try to get her to sleep because I couldn't bother to deal with this right now
A half  hour passes and they're finally here
Since she was on my shoulder, I carefully moved her head to the window
As  soon as I get out of the car, I glare at Jin

Yoongi: Did you really have to take our phones?

Jin: What are you talking about?

Yoongi: Y/N was drugged and if-

Jimin: Wait What??
Y/N was what?

Yoongi: Some guy drugged her and I just put her to sleep so don't wake her up

Jungkook: And how exactly did this happen if she was with you?

I scratch my nape
Just because those those 3 are our maknae, it doesn't mean that they're weak in the beating department
It's not that I'm scared it's just that they love that girl and would do anything for her
I just couldn't be bothered to do any physical activity right now

Yoongi: Well... I wasn't exactly with her

Jungkook: You see Jin?
I told you we should have all gone together!

Namjoon: Wait, why did you say we can't wake her up?

Yoongi: Because the guy gave her ecstasy, so now she's horny

Namjoon: Oh, okay

I look around

Yoongi: Where's Soojin?

Jimin: Really Yoongi? Y/N just got drugged and you're worried about Soojin?

Yoongi: She's my girlfriend, and I frankly don't give a shit about Y/N

Jimin: Well you obviously give enough of a shit to bring her back here and not inform your girlfriend

Yoongi: Whatever, where is she?

Jin: She went to go looking for yo-

Soojin: Guys I couldn't find-
Yoongi! Where were you?


Yoongi: I decided to look around the area for a little bit and I assumed that you were out of the bathroom
so I went looking for you, but I got tired and came back to the van

She looks at me suspiciously and then she looks at the guys for conformation
I signal for them to nod and they do
Even if I pissed them off, they still come through when I need it
She just shrugs her shoulders and goes into the van
Accidentally, she opens the door that Y/N is sleeping on and she falls out

Yoongi: Shit!

She groans and  I was about to help her up but Jungkook beats me to her

Jungkook: Someone who actually cares about her should take care of her

Yoongi: Whatever, Soojin, sit in the front with me, I'm driving

**Y/N P.O.V.**
See the rest on wit!

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