Chapter 16 Royal pain

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Chris POV
We were ten kilometres from Ezulwini Valley, famous for it's luxurious lifestyle. The sun had set and it had ushered in darkness. I could feel the cool summer air blowing into the car, to dissipating the heat. It has been quite for sometime. Why wouldn't it right? My father and I have literally  nothing to talk about, other than short questions about school, which he has asked already.

"So, I-I'm noticed you haven't been playing Imprint, why is that?" My father asked. I wasn't sure how to answer it, I also didn't want him to think his son is weak.
"I-I lost a duel and got embarrassed in the process." My father took a quick but short glance at me, then a slight smirk settled in.

"And now you are afraid to go back, because you think your friends will hate you for it?" He added. I was surprised that he guessed correctly.  "You are just like your mother."

"What do you mean dad?" I asked in confusion. Me and her are as different as the sky and sea. The woman can barely look at me for peace sakes.

"Both of you are sneaky and you both over exaggerate a situation literally and figuratively. Son let me tell you what your mother did when she lost a duel; She trained up and went back for round two. I'm sure your friends don't mind your loss at all, trust me." He said with a confident smile. I could feel the warmth and encouragement from him, so much that I shed a few tears.

"Thank you Father."

Lisa POV
"Wow your daughter looks beautiful Ayanda, how does she do it?" Said some  woman, in a strange yellow dress. My mother simply gave off a short laugh with a hand on her chest.
"I give her beauty tips, but she is nothing compared to me." My mother replied egotistical as ever. I simply sighed, as the the two women laughed their brains away.

The red carpet was rolled out, as the Prince entered the hall. It's been three hours, doesn't this guy care about punctuality? I thought, as I slipped into the back to go have a drink. Thanks to him my parents did not notice.

When I got to the table, I was joined by a boy about my age in cool looking white tuxedo. His hair was well combed and he smelled like a violet, which is my favourite flower. I took a glance at him and he looked at me. Something about him was familiar or maybe it was just my imagination.

Chris POV 
The girl next to me looked familiar, like I've met her before. When I reached for the Lemon punch, my hand bumped into hers, which was covered in a silky, white glove. We looked at each other and I noticed her cheeks becoming pinkish, while my face started to heat up. "S-Sorry." We both said nervously by the way. After that we broke into a slight laughter.

"You two must like each other?" Said someone we both did not notice before. She wore a cream white dress with a blue ribbon on the chest. She had blonde hair which was tied into a pony tail. "Don't mind me, I just noticed the romantic tension between the two of you." She added with a sneaky smirk in her face. What is she planning? I thought to myself.

"Lisa! What are you doing with these rifraf. Come now the Prince wants to meet you." Said woman who came and took her by force. I felt like doing something, but I didn't want to intrude in family matters. The is one thing I noticed though, the two looked nothing alike. I guessed she gets her looks from her father.

"Wow tough break... I'm Lethiwe Sibiya by the way." She said as she extended her hand at me.
"I'm Chris Mohale, nice to meet you."

"So you are Dr Mohale's child." She added. I was confused by this, how does she know my father? And before I could say anything, she continued to talk.
"I'm your next door neighbour, the second  daughter of the celebrity lawyer. Let's dance and I will tell you more about myself."

Lisa POV
"It's a pleasure to meet a lovely lady such as yourself." Said the Prince at me. My mother kept telling him about me and was trying to force a relationship between us.
"She is a very good cook and a strong athlete. She even won a gold medal for Swaziland, at the junior Olympics." My mother added. Here she goes planning my future without my consent. I thought as the Prince offered me a dance. I could not refuse, due to the pinch my mother was giving me the entire time.

We danced for a good three minutes, according to the clock,  but to me it felt like an eternity of hell. I was thinking about the boy I met earlier and for some reason I could not get him out of my head. Something about him is familiar and so comforting. "W-would you like to switch partners good sir?" I heard someone say to the Prince.  He agreed and I was given to that person. When I looked at him closer, I saw it was the boy from before and the person who took my place was the girl from the punch table. She gave me a slight wink, before looking at the Prince. My heroes. I thought, as I leaned on the chest of the boy, as a silent thank you.

His heart beat was soothing his breathing gentle.  "You know I finally remember who you are. I met you last week at CnA. You were caring the imprint game." I looked up at him and it finally clicked where I've seen him before. His voice though is similar and  I doubt we talked then.

"Do you play imprint?" I asked I wanted to know who he was and where we had a conversation. He gently nodded. "What is your character name?" He smiled slightly and I could sense hesitation in his deminer. "It's Okay no need to tell m-."

"G-Glazzic, my name is Glazzic. It's a name a friend gave me." Upon hearing this my heart slightly stopped and out of nowhere, I kissed him on the lips for five seconds. As I pulled away, I realised what I did and I left him standing there alone. I ran to the toilet, where I stood and looked at the mirror. What is this feeling? Why does he make me feel like this?

Lethiwe POV
I saw the kiss she gave him and I nearly jumped for joy. Mission accomplished. I thought to myself as I left the Prince and went for the bathroom. She must be confused right now.

Author: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. It looks like Chris and Lisa's relationship has sparked. Stay tuned to see how this will end.

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Stay dope my Ninjas 🙈

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