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Annie woke up to Lauren singing something about a "native land... true north... free" She wasn't sure. When she opened her eyes, she saw Lauren slowly dancing around the room in a red shirt with a white maple leaf on it and white jeans. "What are you doing?" She asked sleepily. Lauren looked over at her. "It's Canada Day!" She told her. "And I'm singing the national anthem." "Ohhh."
After breakfast, Kenzie decided to call her manager and tell her about the whole situation. They had sent the draft of "Say My Name" to her the night before, to get it tested. She told Kenzie that the results would be aired on National Television the next day. "But what if she's lying!?" Hayley worried. "She's not. I believe her." Kenzie assured her. "Like, that proves anything." Johnny retorted. "We just have to trust her." Lauren told him. After Kenzie hung up the phone, they decided to go back down to the beach. The sky was a mix of cloud and sun, but it was warm. When they got there, they decided to sit on the dock, which was empty except for Fred's boat. "So, What are you guys doing for the rest of the summer?" Asher asked. "Not much." Johnny replied. "Hey, I just realized you're being patriotic today as well." Asher realized as he pointed to Johnny's white T-shirt that said "Canada" on it it red letters. "Ya, how come you both are wearing red and white?" Hayley asked, who wasn't there when Lauren explained it was Canada day. "Yeah, you better be careful wearing Canada shirts so close to Independence Day." Kenzie added, who also wasn't there. "It's Canada Day!" Johnny And Lauren both said at the same time. "Oh." Said Asher. "Okay then, you're forgiven." Kenzie teased and she pulled Johnny's arm around her. "So since you're so Canadian today, would you go swimming again?" Annie questioned Johnny. An evil-smile crept across Johnny's face. He got up as fast as he could and ran to the edge of the dock. "Johnny don't!" Kenzie shouted as she tried to grab him, but when she grabbed his hand it was too late, he was already going down, and so he pulled her in with him.
When Kenzie's head resurfaced. She gasped and sputtered out seawater. "I can't... breathe!" She tried to say. The water was too cold, it was taking her breath away. "There's a ladder right there!" Annie shouted as she pointed to a rusted ladder covered in seaweed. Kenzie doggy-paddled over to the ladder. Once she was halfway out, she realized something. "Johnny!! Where is he?" She screamed. Kenzie climbed up onto the dock and frantically ran around searching for him. "Johnny!?" No answer. After 30 seconds, a laugh sounded from underneath the ramp, the opposite side of the dock that they jumped off of. "I'm over here!" A voice shouted. Kenzie ran over to see Johnny laughing at her in the water. "What was that for!?" She shouted at him. "Gotcha!" Kenzie stamped her foot. "That was not funny! You pushed me in, and then pretend to have drowned!?" He shrugged. Then he swam back over to the ladder. "How did you even stay in the water for that long?" Annie questioned. Johnny shivered as he sat back down. "The power of Canada Day has been granted to me, a proud Canadian." They all laughed. "Lauren, will you come back to the cabin with me?" Kenzie asked. "I have to take a hot shower." "Sure." Lauren replied and they walked up the ramp and to the cabin. "You don't look so good yourself, Mr. Canada." Asher pointed out. "Yeah, your lips are completely purple." Hayley teased. "Ya, okay. Let's go." Johnny gave in as they got up and went back to shower.

The Climb Of Mystery - Sequel to "The Cabin Of Forgotten Stories"Where stories live. Discover now