The Entry that Changed her Life

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It had been 2 days since Ginny Weasely and her husband had found the diary in the old cardboard box. And since then, the young red headed woman had read several entries.

But now it was time, to read the folded piece of paper in the middle of two pages.

Carefully, Ginny grabbed the piece of paper, opening it slowly.

Dear, Diary

Today will be a very sad entry. Earlier today, my family, and the cute boy who I just learned was THE Harry Potter! Ron became the best of friends with him, along with another girl named Hermione Granger. She's really nice. So yeah, we were shopping for stuff for Hogwarts! I can't wait!

Anyways, we ran into a boy who Ron said was Draco Malfoy, and a man who looked like his father. Daddy and him got into a fight so we left the shop.

When we got back home, The clerk man probably slipped in accidentally but it was a pretty black book! And guess what it was! A diary!

It was very pretty, a black leather diary with clear pure white pages. Unfortunately, the name, "Tom Marvolo Riddle" was embroidered into it. I guess Mummy can charm it off though.

Now the part that makes this entry sad. Diary, I'm gonna giving you up. For the pretty black one. I mean, you worn and dirty, but don't worry, I'll keep you somewhere special.

I'm sorry,

Love, Ginny

Ginny Potter remembered that entry. She hated it. But for some reason, she couldn't throw it away, it was a part of her life. Tom Marvolo Riddle was a part of her life.

Frustratedly, she threw herself on the big double bed Harry and her shared. Crying into the pillows, Ginny wished she never gave up her diary. Even if it was only for a year.


The only happy thing that the young woman remembered from that day is that it was the first day she met her back then crush, but also her future husband. Wiping her tears away, she smiled, thinking of the memory of when she couldn't find her favorite denim jumper, raced downstairs, yelling "Mummy have you seen my jumper!", seeing the cute boy with dark hair and eyes the color of a fresh pickled toad, blushing furiously, then hiding in her room.

Once she was in her bedroom, she heard the laughter of the Weasely brothers, and being the little Weasely girl she was back then, she burst into tears. Her first time meeting the boy she had a crush on since the year before? And her first impression? Screaming "Mummy have you seen my jumper!" didn't seem like a good one.

Ginny grimaced, bracing herself for the teasing she would endure from her brother once Harry left. Cautiously, the young girl opened the door just a bit, and she saw him again. Talking with Ron. The Weasely girl watched him for a bit, her cheeks getting redder each time she did. And then he turned around and Ginny saw his eyes again.

Anybody else would have described them as the color of emeralds, but Ginerva Molly Weasely thought they looked like the color of a fresh pickled toad. Blushing even more, she closed the door, but she could have sworn Harry could have possibly seen her fiery red hair and bright brown eyes for a split second before she shut the door.


Woo! And that's Ginny Weasely for you! I even included a little flashback. I hope you enjoy the story!


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