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"Our eyes met. As if our gazes were intertwining. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but I couldn't. This was too important. I looked down, fearing that this feeling wasn't mutual. He gently lifted my chin. Our eyes met once again, his eyes ,glazed over with tears, were the most beautiful, and important thing in the world in that moment. As soon as I looked deeper into those magnetic eyes,pulling me in,more, and more, I knew. It was, it was mutual. He placed both hands on my shoulders, I felt secure, and he said, mustering up all of his courage "I love yo—— "

   Chance drifted back to reality. He lays there, waking himself up. He tried to comprehend his dream. Because of his alarm clock ,almost shouting as a person would, into his ears, he remembered he was supposed to be up by now. This gave him a dreadful feeling, it did everyday. The thought of going to school sickens him. He knows for a fact that today will be just like every other day. He'll get out of bed, take a shower,get dressed, brush his teeth, make sure he doesn't look stupid, and he'll check that about four times before leaving because he's so worried about what people think of him, then maybe he'll eat breakfast,although he doesn't most days. Most of the time, he's too anxious to eat. Usually before school he has a bad stomach ache due to his anxiety, so he eats when he gets home. Not at lunch, not at breakfast.

   He's not sure why he gets so nervous for school , maybe it's the bullying, the social anxiety, the teachers making assumptions based on his grades. School is boring, but that doesn't make it any less scary. He gets all of his stuff ready, he's also dressed in a way that doesn't draw attention to him, as usual, he's wearing a t-shirt, a hoodie, and baggy pants. This way, nobody can make fun of how he looks, because his clothes aren't tight, they're loose. Therefore no one can make fun of his body type, right? Well that would be incorrect. No matter what we do, people make assumptions. So the only reason his clothes are baggy Is so that he can tell himself "that's not true, they don't know, so how can that be right?" It's an attempt to make himself feel better about himself, because he wasn't proud of his appearance. Chance was average height for a 15 year old boy, wasn't tall, wasn't short. He didn't have a muscular build, but he wasn't scrawny. He had light blonde hair, which he hated because he thought it ,ace him look even more pathetic. But the thing he hated most, was his eyes. They were a deep blue, like the dark depths of the ocean. They were unusual, they made him stand out. So he hated them.

   When Chance touched the door knob he could tell something wasn't right. He forgot something.  But what was it? Oh. He forgot to do the homework, again. He always does. His Teachers definitely wouldn't be happy about this. They always asked him the same questions, "what's wrong with you? Are you stupid? Do you have better things to do? Why dont you care about this? Are you trying to make your family look bad? How would your parents feel about this?"

   Not that it matters what his parents think. His mom left for work before he woke up in the morning ,and she didn't come home until after he went to bed, so he barely ever saw her. And his dad went on a trip when Chance was 9 years old and he slowly stopped answering their calls,  they haven't seen him since.

   He knew he'd get after school detention, but that wasn't important right now. If he didn't leave now, he wouldn't make it there on time. On his walk to school, Chance went over the usual. He went over the rules he had set for himself years ago. There were four main rules that he always followed. 1-walk with your head down so you don't make eye contact, 2-make sure you aren't drawing attention to yourself, 3-don't talk unless it's necessary 4-when they make fun of you, act like you're okay with it.

Along the way, he also thought about his answers to the teachers questions about why he hadn't done his work. Since he did it often, he already knew. He tried thinking of possible situations he could be in, and what he would say if they happened. He tried to keep his mind off of the fact that Max was probably going to hurt him, considering the fact that yesterday all he did was make fun of him. Max was a kid in school who wasn't fond of Chance, everyday, he either hurt him or he would try to make him cry, or get upset. Maybe he'll be lucky today , maybe he'll be fine.

When he finally made it, his stomach dropped, Just like it did everyday. He entered knowing today would be just the same as yesterday, like everyday , boring but terrifying at the same time. And he was right. Every class the teacher would ask the same questions the last one did, he stated his memorized answers and they gave him after school detention. Class , after class, the day went on.

Finally it was last period. The bell rang for home room, so everyone was out in the hall trying to get to their home room classrooms. That's when Chance saw Max looking at him from a few feet away. Max smiled at Chance in a way that was unforgivable. That smile held something dangerous within it, so Chance knew that this couldn't end well. Max took a few steps closer, so that he was within an arms length of Chance. People huddled around them, getting ready to see a fight. But Chance wasn't going to fight back, he wasn't any match for him, it wouldn't help the situation.

They all stood, laughing. To Chance, they were frozen, the world had stopped. As if some evil force wanted him to savor the moment . All he could think was that he probably looked stupid. He thought he looked like an idiot. Now everyone sees him the way he sees himself, and he knows it. So far that's the scariest thing that he's ever experienced. Knowing that it's not only him who looks down on himself.

Max was tall, but right now it seemed like he was not only taller, but he was towering over Chance. His fists, still clenched , were braced for impact. On his first punch, he hit Chance in the stomach, he toppled over in pain. After that, he kicked him in the knee, which caused him to fall over completely. Chance was panicked, he was being humiliated. Nobody did anything, they all just watched it happen and laughed at him, while every once and a while they'd make comments to each other such as "this is hilarious!" Or " what an idiot!" Before Chance could comprehend what Max would do next, he grabbed Chance by his uncut, tangled hair, and picked him up by it, without hesitation, as if he didn't even care what would happen next. Chance was even more terrified because in that moment he knew, for a fact, that nobody cared about his safety, nobody would care if Max killed him right there and then. Max, still holding Chance up by his hair, turned him around so he was facing the lockers. He dragged him closer to the lockers, and as hard as he possibly could, slammed Chance's head into them, then he did it again,and again,and again. Then the second bell rang, meaning dismissal. Everyone ran off laughing, they left him there.

Chance stood there, still, unable to move. His vision was blurred. He couldn't se clearly, everything around him looked like he was staring into a foggy mirror. He held his hands on his head trying to ease the pain but it wasn't working . He slid down the locker that his head had previously been slammed into. The laughter of his fellow schoolmates was muffled, he couldn't hear.

Everyone was gone now, he couldn't see anyone else within this blurred dimension that his mind made up out of what he was able to make out. He finally removed his hands from his head because it clearly wasn't helping his situation. He looked down, all he saw was red. He couldn't figure it out, "what is it?" He thought. It was hard for him to think because he was in so much pain, but that's when it hit him.

His head was bleeding. His hands were covered in it, he turned his head to look at the lockers, and it was hard for him to move, but when he did he saw that it was everywhere. He was covered in it, he was sitting in a puddle of it. He was in a panicked state. He tried to convince himself that he'd be fine "I'm supposed to be in after school detention, so someone will come looking for me, right? Everything will be fine, it needs to be fine....." but he knew it wasn't. His clothes were soaked in it, almost as if he had fallen into a pool. He was terrified. He knew that nobody cared.

He slowly drifted, he could tell that he was being separated from reality. He was falling asleep. He was always worried about getting hurt, but he never thought that he'd fall asleep with the possibility of never waking up again. Was he drifting from reality? No, this felt different. Was he simply being knocked out? Or was this the end?

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