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iitspayton is live - watch now
You click on it
"Hey guys I'm going to be doing a meet in greet tomorrow at 2pm" -Payton
Fan1- where at
Fan2- what state n city
Hater1- no one wants to me you
Y/n- shut up ^
"Y/n is in the chat" - Payton whispers as he blushes
I noticed and I start to blush but what if there is another y/n, you think to yourself. I wanted to know so i stop watching the live and I told myself yolo and started to dm him
Y/n- hey were you talking about me on your live when you whispering and blushing
iitspayton- typing...
iitspayton- um maybe... what would you say if I said yes?
Y/n- I would asked why lol
iitspayton- because I that you was cute. I'm sorry. 😩
Payton POV
Do I tell her, should i tell her?
I could ask her for her number.
What am I going to doooo
Y/n- typing...
Y/n- whattttt I'm not cute, you are the cute one. 💕
iitspayton- so in that case can I have your number ?
Y/n- (555)-937-1043
iitspayton- okay 🤪
I thought to myself "he's so famous he is just going to use me". I ended up falling asleep crying.

2 hours later
*buzz buzz buzz *
I woke up and check my phone and...

Hey guys tell me if you want me to do a sad love story or happy, or both!!
Also it's not as long as I wanted it to be but this is just the start!

A love story about y/n and PaytonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora