Random things I hear at school pt huit

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School ended like a week ago but my dumbass forget to hit 'publish' on this chapter so amdjsiakisosoamanjwkw

Just take it

-"Bow down to me or become the ground I walk on."
-"Do you wish to choke on your spine?"
-"I will break your arm."
-"Do NOT test me, bitch."
-"Batman dies in Endgame." "Lighting McQueen kills Thanos." "Who had to sacrificed Shrek for the Soul Stone."
-"If your lucky, your organs will never see the lights."
-"Do you want your insides to become outsides?"
-"This is the reason school shootings happen."
-"It scared me." "Everything scares you."
-"Who wants to join my cult?"
-"You started at level one, now you're level fifty mafia boss."
-"Hydrate or die-drate."
-"Mars is part of Earth."
-Kid One: "You'll pay for it? Show me the money." Kid Two: "I'll show you something else!" Class: "Ooooo!" Kid One: "Garbage it goes!"
-"Where is half the class?" "Dead. I killed them."
-"I heard lesbians make pretty good porn." "WhAT."
-"You make me wanna jump out a window."
-"Them? They're the reason I agree with Thanos."
-"You gave birth to a ball of yarn."
-"Do not put bear traps in your house."
-"owo I don't feel so good."
-"Call the kidnappers!"
-"My goal is to learn every Fortnite dance by the end of the year."
-*Points at screen, which is showing an apocalypse* "I wish I was there."
-"If I can't kill the dolphins, kill me."
-"The girls bathroom is so much cleaner then the boys. I've seen things no man should have to see."
-Kid One, about a dirty stream: "You'll get an STD from stepping in that." Kid Two, stepping knee deep into the water: "STD you say?"
-"You're slow!" "You're slow mentally, so ha!"
-*Sees bird on the ground* "Can I pick that up?" "Sure, if it's fake." *Pokes it* "That's not faKE."
-"No Owen you horny fuck that's a tea kettle."

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