less than 1 year ago and getting to Manhattan before meeting my new friends

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Before the story begins...

*This is before Natalie/Nat meets the Newsies and everyone it's her backstory.

*The outfit that Sam Barks is wearing in the photo is what she's wearing when she's at the school.

It was about a 6 months after my 17th birthday my mom was driving home from work one night and a drunk driver hit her car and killed her. When me and my dad got to the hospital I couldn't stop crying and same with my dad. A day or two after that he started drinking more and more he started hitting me with anything he could find. One night he started pulling off the dress on a manikin that me and my mom had worked so hard on we planned it to be for my 18th birthday but since mom died I have to try and sew it on my own. Then he started pulling off my dress I was currently in and started taking off the rest of my clothes he pulled his member out and stuck it in me hard and went as deep as he could. I woke up after he was done and he was passed out on the couch. I quickly packed my messenger bag with all the things I could put in it but while I was grabbing my mom's secret stash of cash I found an envelope that read "give to Natalie when she's 18." My eyes widened wondering what it could be but heard my dad slowly wake up. I showered extremely fast and I quickly packed it with my things and walked to the airport since it's only 2 miles from our house I can easily walk. Once I get to where I buy a ticket I pay for one to Manhattan NY don't ask me why I just feel like something is waiting for me there. My family wasn't rich but we weren't poor so I had enough money for a flight. I soon boarded the plane and started looking on my phone for apartments that I could rent and I think I found one it's right near the high school i'd be at and a pet shop near by I can work at since I love animals. Thankfully I had my transcript and resume I never leave home without them since I knew I'd be running away someday. I soon fell asleep and started dreaming about a guy with dark black hair and another with a crutch along with their group of friends. I soon felt someone shaking me and I flinched but saw it was the flight attendant telling me that we had landed. I grabbed my bag and started trying to figure out where the apartment was that I was looking to get. I finally found it and gave some more of the money to the tenant and put my bag down and rested. I looked on my phone for when school was going to start and it looked like it was about 2 weeks till classes started but teachers report a few days before the students do. I soon fell asleep on the bed that was in the apartment and dreamed about the guys and their friends again. The next morning I went to the pet store and handed in my resume which didn't have much but the boss let me start working there. After a few days I had earned enough money for back to school shopping. I bought plenty of clothes and things I needed since my boss helped me pay for some of my food. I put most of the money that I took from my dad aside so in case I needed it for an emergency I could use it. The week before school came before I knew it and I dropped off my transcript and met Principal Wiesel. He seemed strict but he let me tour the school before anyone else did even though I didn't have my schedule yet he told me I'd get it the first day. I went into the theatre and saw a beautiful African American woman she saw me looking scared and told me to come on in "I'm Miss Medda the theatre teacher at this school are you one of Jack's friends?" I looked confused since I haven't met anyone my age yet I shook my head "I'm Natalie but please call me Nat and who's Jack I just moved here a few weeks ago." She nodded at what I had told her "Jack is a unique person along with his friends I'm sure you'd fit in with them." We sat down on the stage and I told my whole story to Miss Medda she told me that she was like a mom to Jack and his friends since they don't have good families well other than this girl named Kathrine she told me about. I left the school after talking to her and went to sleep.

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