Chapter 2

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~Present time~ 

Your POV 

'Ugh why did Mori have to summon me so early in the morning he knows I'm not a morning person. Well whatever I'm here now I knock on his door and wait for the signal "come in" I hear from the other side I open the door and walk in to see Akutagawa, Blondie and Elise-Chan "(Y/N)-Chan!!!" Elise yells while running up to me. I smile and hand her a piece of candy "Hi Elise-Chan!" Elise is one of the few people I actually consider family in the mafia the others being Both Akutagawa's and Chuuya. Dazai however I don't really like when Aku and I where younger he was always soo mean to Aku even now Aku would probably give his life just to hear Dazai praise him once it always made me mad no matter how many times I tell Aku how great he is and how strong he is he never listen to me its so annoying!! Anyways back to the important stuff "Boss you summoned me?" I questioned "Yes, You're on of the best assassins we have so I'm having you help Akutagawa and Higuchi on a mission to capture a Were-Tiger he goes for a high price dead or alive doesn't matter" He said I don't know weather to be flatter he called me one of the mafia's best assassins or be annoyed I'd have to work with Blondie she so annoying!! Her crush on Akutagawa is so obvious to everyone but him because he's kind of an idiot when it comes to emotions. "Sir wouldn't it be a smarter idea to send Gin rather than me. She's stealthier and better at hiding herself. If you want him dead i'd be best to send her" I objected "I see your point however I want him alive and I believe you and Akutagawa can do that for me" I almost laughed at Blondies face when Boss didn't mention her "Alright then when do we start" I said "Akutagawa, Higuchi and yourself are to come up with a plan then take action for now you are dismissed" "Bye (Y/N)-Chan!" "Bye Elise-Chan" I said then Akutagawa, Blondie and I walked out to start discussing our plan of action

~Mini time skip~

Author POV

(Y/N), Higuchi and Akutagawa went over the plan one more time before they took action "So blondie is gonna go in there acting like one of there clients, lead him to a dead end call us when she did then we help capture him right?" (Y/N) said "Stop calling me Blondie!!" Higuchi yelled "Higuchi quite down now's not the time. That Is the plan yes now to put it into action"

Higuchi's POV 

Stupid (Y/N) calling me blondie as if her (H/C) is prettier than mine. How does she get Akutagawa-Senpai's attention so easily its not fair!! I do almost everything for him. She's just a measly assassin I'm his subordinate!! She's NOTHING compared to me. After a while in thought I didn't notice I had already arrived at the Armed Detective Agency. Oh No I need to stop thinking about that bug and focus to make Akutagawa-senpai proud. I knocked on the door. I called them earlier in the day. A girl told me to sit down and wait that the members were out now so I did just that. After awhile they arrived they were a weird bunch a Ginger haired boy who looked to be In his teens said "Now then you mentioned you wanted to request a investigation but what manor of investigation are we speaking of here?" he questioned I was about to reply when a brown haired man grabbed me and said "You're a lady as ephemeral and elegant as a lotus blossom. Will you be willing to join me in a double suicide--" he was cut off as the long haired blond punched him in the face he basically throw him half way across the room. I continued to look unfazed while on the inside I was dying to kill him only Akutagawa should be able to hold me that way Not this mummified freak "Apologies for the disturbance. Don't worry, Please disregard what just happened. Please continue" he said then closed the door next thing you hear is screaming and what sounds like a whip however I didn't care and went back to what we were doing "Regarding my request...?" I said the other 3 left looked at me replied with a very confused "Y-Yes?" our target looked shocked at me for a second "Well, it seems there's recently been a group of distasteful people loitering in my company building's back alley." "and by distasteful, you mean..." "They appear to be dressed in rags. Some have been heard speaking a foreign tongue." The Blonde man came back out and said "They must be smugglers or some such. The military police can police all they want but they keep multiplying like rats on a ship. They're unavoidable in a port town." "Right. If we had some evidence that they're running afoul of the law, We could reach out to the military police. So...." "You want us to stake out the place and get that evidence." He's falling straight into our trap now to see if he indeed sends our target to help. Now talking to our target "brat" he said "Huh?" was his reply "You go" I wasn't really paying attention after that they did indeed send out target to "help" us. However when I stared to pay attention again he sent the ginger named "Tanizaki" and his sister(?) to go as well this will be trouble some. After some time passed I heard the blonde man say "It's not that I lack sympathy for your unlucky, ill-begotten life. As such, ill give you one hint for surviving in this city." He pulled out pictures of both Akutagawa-Senpai and (Y/N)"Don't run into them If you do, Run" Our target questioned who they are the mummy replied with "Mafioso's" I didn't hear the rest. How is she be one of the people the Armed detective agency looks out for she's probably low ranked in the mafia she looks so weak. I bet even I could beat her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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