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Elena were sitting on the floor playing with some toys while her dad was working on a new suit. Elena found her Iron Man toy and wanted to show it to him, so she started calling his name.

"Dada," Elena said. But he didn't answer.

"Dad!" She shouted a bit louder.

"Not now, honey. Dada's working." Tony said as he tries to fix one of the metal plates on the arm of his suit.

Well that really annoyed her so she decided she'd just have to show him herself. Elena, picked up the toy and held onto the coffee table. Slowly but surely, she lifted herself up. She was a little wobbly at first, but once she got the hang of it, it wasn't so bad.

Elena toddled over to her father and banged the toy against his leg.

"Dada!" Elena shouted.

She startled Tony and he looked down to see his daughter standing at his leg with her Iron Man toy in the hand.

"Did you walk over here all by yourself?" Tony asked proudly.

Elena nodded her head and shoved the Iron Man toy into his hand.

"That's right, sweetie. I'm working on Iron Man. You wanna help?"

Elena nodded her head again and laughed. She spent the rest of the day testing out her new walking skills and retrieving tools for her dad.

Zoey and her dad were sitting in the living room watching a basketball game. The teams were warming up and the announcers were talking about who they thought would win.

After a little while, everyone on the screen stood up for the national anthem, as did her father.

Zoey saw him stand up and put his hand on his heart, and that made her curious. So, she copied his exact movements, slowly standing up and placing her hand over her heart for the rest of the anthem.

After it was over, Steve, with tears in his eyes, was so proud that he dressed his daughter in her favorite American Flag pajamas and fed her ice cream as she watched the game.

Hunter's mom wanted to practice ballet while nobody was around, so she took her son to the training room and sat him on the floor with some toys while she danced to some very classical music.

Hunter sat in awe as he watched his mother pirouette and sway gracefully. But after a little while he knew his mom had brought some goldfish crackers, but it was in her bag across the room.

Instead of bothering his mom, Hunter decided he could get them all by himself. He looked at his legs, then back up at his mom, and pushed himself off the ground. Hunter stood up quite nicely, not even wobbling.

He was so focused on the food that he didn't notice his mom stop dancing and watch her son making her way across the room.

After a few minutes, Hunter got there and reached inside the bag to pull out her favorite snack.

With Hunter's snack in hand, he easily walked back over to her spot and plopped down to enjoy the salty treat.

But before Hunter could even put one in his mouth, his mom ran over and picked him up, hugging her son tightly.

"I'm so proud of you, мое сердце! (my heart). You did that all by yourself." She fawned over Hunter and keep kissing his cheek.

Hunter chuckled and she put him back down to enjoy his snack. That night, Natasha let him stay up and watch any movie her son wanted.

Sara's dad just had a habit of working into the early hours of the morning. But it was dark in the lab and she wanted to turn the light on. She couldn't understand how her dad could work in the dark.

So she stood up from her spot on the floor and hobbled over to the light switch.

Too bad she couldn't reach it. But there was a box underneath it and she figured she could just crawled up onto it and reach the light.

So Sara grabbed onto the bar, and with all her might she pushed herself up and onto the box, then reached up and turned on the light.

Her dad turned around from his work, ready to attack. But when he only saw his daughter sitting innocently on top of the box, he ran over to her and picked her up telling her "Good job" and "That's my girl" over and over again.

Jude's mom was eating ice cream without him, again. How rude. Jude sat in the living room while his mom was eating in the kitchen. He'd had enough of her hogging all the ice cream, so he grabbed onto the couch and pulled himself up.

Jude tried to walk over to her, but he stumbled and fell. No big deal. He REALLY wanted that ice cream.

So he got back up again, walked all the way to her chair, and tugged on her jacket.

"Ice cream!" Jude yelled, hoping she'd got his message.

Wanda was so startled she nearly choked on her ice cream. After she recover from her coughing fits. She picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"Good job, Jude, you are so smart!"

Then she let him eat the rest of her ice cream.

Faith's dad always left her with Frigga while he went to meetings with his father and royal guard. But Faith loved seeing all the men in their armor, and she was getting tired of playing patty cake with her grandmother, so when Frigga wasn't looking, Faith quickly got up and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her to the chamber where the King resided.

Faith knew this place like the back of her hand, and she wasn't even one yet.

She slipped through slightly open doors and walked through the men, trying to find her father. None of them even noticed her until she got frustrated and yelled, "papa!"

Thor walked over from his father's side and picked his daughter up. He was so proud.

"Everyone, look what my dearest daughter has achieved today!" He boomed to the crowd of warriors.

He tickled Faith and she laughed. Then he let her sit on his lap for the rest of the meeting.

Raven's father had just came inside to play with her after practicing at the range, but he dropped one of his arrows on the way over to the couch.

He hadn't even noticed and Raven couldn't let him lose one of those, he needed then to protect himself.

So she tried to get up, no avail. She tried again and again for a good five minutes until she finally succeeded, and walked over to pick up the arrow.

Raven brought it back over to her dad, who had been watching her the entire time.

"Wow Raven, I didn't know I dropped this. You're the best kid ever." He said, pleased with his daughter's performance.

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