Chapter 8

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(Paige's Parents are up and then her life gets turned upside when secrets are brought to the light)

Doctor:" You can go see them now

Paige:" Oh thank god!

(Their room)

Paige:" Mum! Dad (runs to hug them

Mum:" (groans) Hi darling ❤️

Paige:" I thought I was going to lose you two💔😭

Roy:" Oh darling come here (hugs paige) ❤️

Mum:" Come here seth

Seth:" Yes?

Mum:"(hugs seth) Thank you sweetheart

Seth:" Anything for you two❤️

Roy:" I heard you were a hero son (shakes seth's hand)

Seth:" Thanks❤️

Mum:" Where's paisley?

Paige:" She's in the waiting area with char, dean and roman

Seth:" The sheriff is ready to talk to you guys, do you remember what happened?

Mum:" I can only remember half


Paige:" Dad?

Roy:" I don't remember much

(The sheriff comes in)

Sheriff:" Hi there roy and saraya

Saraya:" Hi there james

Roy:" Hi james

Sheriff:" Do you guys remember anything?

Saraya:" Well it happened around 11:45pm I just got up from a nap and I noticed that roy wasn't lying next to me so I went downstairs to see if he was downstairs and it all happened so fast gosh ! (getting emotional)

Paige:" Mum it's ok just think ok

Saraya:" I saw a big guy standing over roy about to blow his brains out😭😭😭😭 and I started to scream and he turned his attention to me and chased me up the stairs and he grabbed my foot and pulled me down hard and I hit my head hard on the steps and the last thing I remember is one of those guys saying "Kane is going to be pissed"

Paige:" "Kane"? Who's Kane?

(Roy looking suspicious)

Saraya:" I don't know darling

Paige:" Dad?


Paige:"Dad! Who is Kane and why did he try to kill you?

Sheriff:" Roy if you know something you need to speak up so we can put these guys away.

Roy:" (laughs) You think that you are going to put Kane away? huh james? Do you not know who Kane is? Kane is one of the biggest drug dealers in Cali , how do I know? because when we went to school together he kept trying to persuade me to be one of his men on the streets, me....and your father seth!

Seth:" What!?!?

Roy:" That's right kid after school I couldn't play football anymore I got down and depressed and I had started drinking and getting drugs from Kane and then slowly I started working for Kane and then one night he put me on the corner and there I met Kenny!

Seth:" (face palm) He never told me any of this

Roy:" That's because he didn't want to involve you and sarah into that cruel world of animals seth.

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