Wrong Turn

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Hello, everyone It's been awhile since I wrote a new story, and honestly with this quarantine I've been inspired to write again. I miss the comments and updating I've honestly always had a passion for writing and I'm happy to be back on it. My writing style has changed in some ways which I think is good thing as always please comment, like, and provide feedback. I actually look at feedback it helps to inspire and give me new ideas! Until the next update. Toodles.


Eve slammed her foot on the brakes just as the light turned red. She should've just took the light she was already late for her interview, and this traffic was not letting up one bit. By the looks of it she was going to be here for a while.

She checked the time it was twenty minutes to ten her interview started 10 minutes ago drumming her hands on the steering wheel, she tried to think of a solution. She did not want to risk losing her job interview with WSVN news station it was her dream to be a T.V reporter. It had not been  an easy process, even with a degree in communications and internships at every corner still wasn't enough.

The competition was tough , but she did it working her ass off day after day for the past two years for this moment and now because of some alarm clock that didn't go off when it was  suppose to, her dreams were possibly going down the drain. She floored it as soon as the light turned green only to be stopped by another red light .

At this rate she wasn't going anywhere.

She checked her rear view mirror surprised that her black hair which was swept up was still neat in its bun not a hair out of place.

The way she was speeding she expected her hair to be all of sorts even her make-up was fine not a smudge in place on her brown skin.


At this point she wasn't going to get there till 10:30 desperate times called for desperate measures on her right there was a back road through an alley that looked like it could lead back to the main street.

She looked at the unchanging traffic before her and did a sharp right turn just as the light changed green.

Oh well.

Her mother always did tell her, she had no patience.

She wouldn't admit it to herself but she was starting to regret coming this way the alley was forcing her to go less than 15 mile per hour, and it was so dark she could hardly see a thing.

Just then two men suddenly came into her view they were fighting without out even realizing a car was headed right for them.

Typical of men.

Startled and annoyed she placed her hand on the horn to honk them out of the way just as one of the men fell to the floor. The one left standing mumbled something inaudible to the guy on the ground and swiftly took out a small revolver and shot him once in the head.

The deafening sound echoed in her ears as the man laid still dead as a door nail.

This couldn't be happening

But it was all too real as a blood began pooling around the man.

She should have left right away but she couldn't tear her eyes away they were frozen on the man who's eyes stared lifelessly at nothing.

Eve leave now!  Her mind screamed.

Too late the killer snapped his head in her direction yelling something at her in a foreign language as he walked slowly her way now a few feet from her car.

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