Chapter 2

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You have now gone through 4 class periods, and nobody has seen Jack. You head to lunch to find Kay, who is sitting with Zach who normally sits with Jack.
"Hey y/n!" Kay has a big smile on her face.
"Hey Kay." You smile back at her and sit down. You look at Zach who is looking at you.
"So, have you heard from Jack?" You ask Zach, breaking the silence.
"No, I was hoping you had. I'm gonna go call him." Zach gets up and walked out to the hallway.
"So, I notice you aren't wearing any makeup. You look nice." Kay softly smiles at you. "Thanks." You say, not completely believing that she thinks so.
"Ugh, I'm ready for summer!" Kay whines as you remember that you only have three days until summer break. "Me too. Mom said that we are going to the beach this weekend and I cannot wait." You say while taking out your lunch. All that you packed last night was fruit. Your mom calls you a fruitoholic because it's pretty much all you eat.
"Ooh, I wanna go to the beach. Do you think I could tag along?" Kay asked while taking a bite of her salad. You think about Kay coming, but you know that Jack invited the band, so Zach would be there. "My mom said I couldn't take anyone because there's not enough room in the car." You say, hoping she'll just say okay. "Well, I could always drive, just us two jamming all the way to the beach." She smiled and started to dance in her seat.
"I'll have to ask my mom later." You look down at your bowl of fruit and set it aside. You lost your appetite thinking about watching Zach and Kay play at the beach together. Zach comes back in and sits by Kay. "He is with Gabbie at the mall." Zach said angrily. "Zach, are you okay?" Kay asked while resting her hand on his back. "I'm fine." He says while getting back up and going outside. "Wow. What a drama queen. It's not that big of a deal." Kay rolled her eyes. "I think I'm gonna go talk to him, he's pretty upset that Jack never has time for him." You get up and head outside.
"Zach, wanna talk?" You calmly touch Zach's shoulder. "I just don't know why he puts her before his best friends. I hang out with the band more than Kay.
She doesn't really understand why it's such a big deal to me. She doesn't understand me at all now that I think about it." Zach's rosy cheeks were now even more red than normal. "Yeah, I understand. She gets upset with me when I'm with y'all at a rehearsal or something and can't go hang with her." You look back inside and see Kay staring at you. You take your hand off of Zach. "We should probably go back inside. Lunch is almost over." You say while turning to go back in. Zach agrees and follows. As y'all walk back inside Kay comes up and grabs Zach's hand. "You wanna go meet Jack at the mall?" She asks Zach.
"You mean, skip school? I don't think that's a good idea." He says while letting go of her hand and sitting down. "Well, since Jack is there you can hang with him and Kay can hang with Gabbie." You say, hoping to cheer Zach up a little bit. You hate seeing him upset. "We can go meet with them after school and get some food. I just don't think we should skip. I skip enough due to the band." Zach sounds irritated so you let it go. "Fine." Kay walks away. Zach, still sitting, looks at you. "Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course." You smile at him and sit down.
"I don't know if I want to be with Kay anymore." Zach says, looking down at this hands.
"Wow. Like you wanna break up with her?" You look at him concerned. "Look, I like her. She's beautiful smart, and kind. But." He stops mid sentence. "But what?"
"But, I don't think we are good together. We just don't vibe like we used to." He looks at you. He's tearing up. "Zach, I think that you should do what you think is best." Deep down you hope he will. "Yeah, I should. I think it would be best for everyone." He says while getting up because lunch has now ended. Y'all hug and walk to your class. You both have Algebra 2. You see Kay in the hallway on the way and she looks upset. You mouth sorry to her and head into the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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