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You can now start texting this user 'karry'!

Roy: hi.

Karry: ok hi

Roy: yay you finally unblocked me!💘

Karry: well

Karry: 不是我要的

Karry: had to

Roy: whatever it is. I can still text you!

Karry: no

Roy: why?😭

Karry: they checks thru my phone

Roy: ummmmmmmmmm

Karry: ok

Roy: ilysfm

Roy: ok block me now 👌🤘

Karry: no

Roy: why?💀💀

Karry: it means I'm losing one follower if i blocked u so i unblocked.

Roy: um.. That was unnecessary?


Hey guys! Does anyone knows the reason why u cant add stories/upload/ send pictures on insta?

I researched online & they said that i was prob banned by Instagram for 24hrs of violating the guidances.

.... Is it true??

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