《chapter uno》

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"Get the hell out of here!!" Neil yelps as he's tossed to the ground. He rubs the spot behind his ear, wincing in pain. A loud smack is heard as his backpack is hurled at his face. "And don't you dare come back! You've only been causing trouble for the past two months! A loyal body guard my ass, you've almost got me killed multiple times! Now get lost! You useless mutt!" Neil listens tentatively, waiting for Campbell to finish. He punctuates his point with a slam of the door.

Neil sighs, his ears practically glued to the side of his face. He pulls himself off the ground and slowly trudges down the street, his malibu blue eyes fixated on the ground. "Oh kiddo? Were you finally kicked out?" He doesn't acknowledge the two guys who passed him. "Our boss is usually pretty patient though.." The weredog snorts. "Guess even he couldn't take it anymore!"


'But seriously..he could have at least paid me before kicking me out...so I wouldn't have to sleep outside,' Neil thought. His heart felt heavy in his chest. He was huddled under a building's balcony, hugging his knees close to his chest with his mustard colored bag beside him. His eyelids felt heavy. 'Guess I'll have to try to sleep at least a little.'


"...y, hey, HEY!" Neil bolted upright, when did he start laying down? When did he fall asleep? "W-wha-? What?!" He yelled out frantically. "Finally.." someone muttered. "What the hell are you doing sleeping in a place like this?" He looked up to see a boy with black fluffy hair perched on the top of his head, caramel skin, and piercing green eyes squatting down next to him. A witch. Neil lowered his ears, staring into the boy's eyes. His hands were held protective to his chest, almost like a t-rex. 'Did he come to shoo me away..? Should I go sleep somewhere else?' He snatched up his bag and jerked one of the straps over his shoulder. "Um..I-I'm sorry! I'll go somewhere else!" He rushed out from under the balcony.


He turned to the smaller boy, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Do you know where the train station is?" The brunette's ears perked up, "u-uh yeah..I think. Are you lost?" Neil stuttered. "No shit. I wouldn't be asking you otherwise. I was visiting this city with my dad and got lost. Our car is near the train station. So can you take me there or not?" The boy snaps. "Um..don't you have a phone..?" "Battery died," the kid shrugged. "W-well, I don't have anything better to do so..." Neil says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Great, lead the way."


"Huh?! I was so sure it was this way..." The duo looks at the dead end. "This is weird..." Neil mumbles quietly to himself, trying to justify why they were in an alleyway and not a train station. "I shouldn't have asked you," the witch deadpans. "Which way was it again?" Neil mutters to himself, tapping his lip in thought. The small boy huffs in annoyance.

"Hey." The two boys turn to see a tall male with with a brown beard to compliment his brown hair. He was roughed up and was wearing a red hoodie with a blue patch sewed up by the pocket. He was definitely a drug dealer. "What are ya brats doin' here? It's already past yer bedtime," he quips with a hand on his hip. "Uh..nothing..just trying to find the train station," Neil nervously replied. "Hm. Well yer far from it." "Um yeah, we figured that too. We'll get going now."

Neil tried to walk past, the smaller boy in tow. The guy puts his arm out in front of Neil, blocking him from walking. The little werewolf glances up fearfully, contrast to the witch in the back, who was glaring at the man. "Wait a second." "W-what?" "Let's make a deal...I'll show ya the way to the train station if ya pay me." The man stared down menacingly. "Um no thank you. We'll manage on our own." Neil politely declined. "Hey, I won't ask fer much," the drug dealer responded. "I don't have any money.." "Sorry but I can't let you two pass before ya gimme the money, since I really need money right now y'know." "Then get a fucking job, bum," the witch boy says through gritted teeth.

The man grimaces in anger, "Okay, so I tried to be nice, but ya kinda touched a nerve there." The soft thudding of footsteps and the sharp clicks of nails against concrete could be heard from in front of them. "Meet my two friends." He puts his arm out, gesturing to the two weredogs who stepped out of the shadows. The moon shimmered on them, kissing their fur with a soft glow. You know what else the moon showed? Their teeth, glistening under their lips and ready to strike at any moment. They were strong, and held their head high and proudly. Their eyes glowed like headlights, their irises filling their whole eye. "Who will bite yer head off if ya don't do what I say." They growled, pulling their lips back. 'Weredogs,' Neil thought. "But I really don't have any money, threatening me won't change that fact." Neil muttered, he always was a technical person, facts over opinions anyday.

"Liar! Ya hafta at least have somethin' valuable! Gimme yer backpack," the drug dealer growled, grasping at Neil's backpack. He bit the guy's hand, resulting in him yelling out. "Y-ya brat!" "A-ah. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-!" Neil stammered meekly. "Oh sure ya didn't! Ya lil piece of...GET HIM!" He snapped at the dogs. "W-wait! I don't want to fight!" "Too bad! Think next time before attackin' someone!" The dogs closed in on Neil, snarling and growling the whole time. Their eyelights trailed behind them, glowing in the dark alleyway. Neil recoiled, backing away with drooping ears.

'Then I guess I have no choice...I'll have to fight!'

alright, so anyone who hasn't read lumine may be confused, there are four beings in this world, humans, weredogs, witches, and werewolves (in order of weakest to strongest). weredogs look just like people, only they have dog ears on their head, and a tail, and sharper teeth than a human would (so basically a furry-) and they can transform into their dog form, which looks like a large dog. witches all have bright green eyes, humans and weredogs/wolves can also have green eyes, but they would be more like a pine color, or a hazel color. witches can cast spells and use magic. werewolves are the same as weredogs, only their wolf form is hella huge, like i'm talking at least 7ft tall and 500 pounds. they are supposedly extinct, but few still live (like neil in this/lumine in the real comic).

**also every other chapter will have a picture of camp camp and then lumine, so since this one has a picture of camp camp, the next one will have a picture of lumine (they aren't related to the chapter in any way!)

dirty kevin: *sees two kids in a alley way*
dirty kevin: it's free real estate

a werewolf n' a witch [platonic!maxneil] Where stories live. Discover now